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I looked in the bathroom and he wasn't there.

he wasn't in the house. I went out the front door, barefoot. I shouted "Taehyung?"

My heart began to panic.
Where is he? Did he leave me without saying anything? I went to his room again but all his clothes were there.

even the little suitcase he
bought when he moved in with me.

Did David take him? No, he can't.
I called jimin. He picked up the phone and his voice was still lazy


"Jimin is taehyung there with you?"

"Taehyung? No. What happened?"

"I can't find him"

"What do you mean you can't
find him?"

"I checked everywhere. His
phone is off"

"You sure you checked

"If I hadn't I would not be
calling like crazy"

"True. Okay, did you look in
the cemetery?"

"The what?"

"The cemetery"

"I heard you the first time"

"he must be there. he always visits his parents the next day of his birthday because that's the day they


"Go check"

"Which cemetery?"

"The oldest one in busan"

"That's an hour drive away"

"You better start driving if you
wanna see him"


I changed quick as I could.
I won't rest until I see him. I drive an hour's drive to the cemetery...

I passed through the cemetery at a slow speed. My eyes on the graves. I found him.

His back lying on the headstone. Wiping his own tears.

I stopped the car and walk out as fast as I could. I practically ran to him.

he was weeping. I bent down and before he could notice I wrapped my hands around him.

Pulling him into me. I sigh a relief and said to myself "Thank god you're okay."

he lifted his head and looked at me, shocked and said: "What're you doing here?"

I looked at him in disbelief. I said "You're the one that went away in the middle of the night without telling anyone. I should be asking you that question."

I was scolding him. he hiccuped as he said "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare

I pulled him to my chest again. And he began crying out loud. I know the main reason for him crying was not my scolding.

 I know the main reason for him crying was not my scolding

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LIFE DESTINY  (T.K)✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz