Who the fuck does this guy
think he is? Sending gifts and love cards to My Taehyung!

My Taehyung? That came out really possessive...

I glanced at the elevator doors and saw the red number above.

he's coming up.
I debated.

Should I tell him or should I just hide it and never tell him?

I looked at the number again and it was 39..

he's almost here!

I kept the gift on his desk and ran in my office and closed the door...

I looked at him through the one-way mirror. he looked confused when he saw the gift.

I stared at him. he looked around like he was waiting for someone to come.

he looked right at me and I
turned around...

Why did I turn around?

he can't see you, stupid...🤦‍♀️

I looked back at him and he smiled as he picked the gift. Jealousy ran inside my veins.

I made a mental note to get him a bigger gift...

Wait... Happy birthday? Is today his birthday and he didn't tell me? Why won't he tell me?

I glanced at him again. he read the card. But his smile faded away.

Why was he not smiling at the card that stupid Lee wrote?

he opened the gift and there was a blue velvet box. he opened the box and his jaw fell open.

What was in the box? I wanted to see so badly...

he picked up the gift in the
box and it was a necklace...

A diamond necklace. Looked like a diamond. It was gorgeous and looked expensive too...

I'm gonna get him a biggerand more expensive diamond chain

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I'm gonna get him a bigger
and more expensive diamond chain.............. or a ring, maybe?

he stared at it. His face was

I opened my door and he hid the chain behind his back. Looking at me.

he smiled and I smiled back at him. he asked, "You wanted something?"

"Whatcha got there?"

"I don't know. A wrong package to the wrong person."

he answered quickly.
I didn't want to embarrass him so I said:

"Alright, I need that Miller file in 10 minutes, okay?"

he quickly nodded.

he stood there. Hiding the necklace behind his back.

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