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The next day came back quickly. Alex along with jackie and Will were preoccupied with something about the Homecoming Huddle. on the other though, MJ was asked by Cole to help him train his little sister Parker for her football game which was soon approaching.

Her along with the Garcia brothers, cole and parker, were outside training with parker herself.

As the two walters passed the ball back and forth, cole decided to make his little sister's training a little better harder. He called on Isaac to be the defender. " Perfect. Now, when there's a defender on you, you gotta stay focused because you gotta create separation," cole started explaining to parker. Isaac got into position and waited to cole's signal.

"Okay. Take it easy," cole warned Isaac, wanting him to go easy on the girl. "Hike!"

Throwing the ball up in the air, didn't have the chance to grab it as Isaac caught it with ease. "Dude," MJ sighed and crossed her arms. "What," Isaac confused by MJ's saying.

"Number 19 was having a heck of a day until rookie Isaac Garcia stepped off the bench," lee said, out of nowhere.

"Gotta get open, P,"

"Hey!" They all heard george's yelles from far away. "Good hustle out there, but time to hit the showers, all right?"

Getting inside, Lee and Isaac were having a conversation while making their breakfast, MJ was sitting beside Issac, scrolling on her phone bored out of her mind and george was having a heating conversation with someone on the phone.

Coming down the stairs, jackie was met with a george speaking to the phone, a lee trying to make his breakfast and of course her sister with isaac teasing each other, making fun of each other, laughing and chuckling.

"This is our worst infestation since, I don't know, '98, probably? Well, if my old man would've adapted with the climate, maybe we wouldn't be looking at slashing and burning 20% of our crop. What? You're gonna try a pesticide? It's how much? Oh. No, we're gonna have to think about it, 'cause we gotta do something," george said as he was clearly trying to find a solution to the problem he was facing.

"What does "slashing and burning" mean?" Jackie asked Lee, because it seemed that her sister and isaac were both busy joking around. "It means we set a fire to kill the pests," lee explained. "Dude come on give it back. Isaac!" Lee and jackie heard MJ saying and they turned and look at her trying to get her phone back from isaac.

Hitting him in the stomach, he groaned in pain and she grabbed her phone, smiling in victory. Jackie and lee looked at each other and shook their head. "They're so oblivious with each other is killing me,"

Arriving at school, jackie and MJ were walking together, sharing their news with each other. Their conversation were interrupted when olivia, Erin's best friend approached them. Specifically Jackie. "Hi, Jackie,"

"Olivia. Hi," jackie greeted her back not wanting to sound rude. Olivia talking to her was something jackie would never imagine happening.

"Obsessed with your ensemble, J," olivia complimented MJ's sister. "Thanks,"

"No. Thank you for not ratting me and Cole out to Erin. I mean, I know they aren't, like, official or anything, but-" wait a second cole with who?

"What Cole Walter does and who he does it with isn't any of my business," jackie explained to olivia. "I knew you'd understand. You know, now more than ever, we women need to support each other, which is why I assumed you'd want to know about the emergency fundraising meeting, which starts-"

"Now," with that Olivia started dragging jackie away. "I'm sorry! I'll talk to you later!"

Shaking her head, MJ started walking to get to her class.

After school has ended, Jackie had invited skylar and grace over in order to organize the fundraiser they were talking about. MJ was there for the company and she was sitting on the bed along grace. Both of them had nothing to do and they were super bored.

"So, Tony's is in for five premium oil changes, and Kiley just texted and said Monty's wants to donate an entire month of free pizza. I wasn't expecting this level of support. Everyone here is much friendlier than back home," jackie said, smiling at how her idea of the fundraiser was going.

"So when are we gonna take a break?Do something fun?" Grace complained, MJ aggreing with her. "Yeah we're bored,"

"If this auction falls even a dollar short of our goal, you know Erin will hold it over my head until we graduate," jackie said trying to reason.

"Yeah, so you might as well have some fun now," MJ said shrugging her shoulders. "Thank you for the vote of confidence,"

"Guys, it's just I had to agree to work a church barbecue tomorrow to even be here tonight, so if you could humor me? Please?" MJ cringed at how Grace was going to spend her day. "Girl i feel sorry for you,"

"Okay, Skylar. Uh, kiss, marry, kill,"

"Nop not me find some other victim," skylar quickly declined, trying to concentrate his attention to the project of his and jackie's. Turning her attention towards MJ, grace asked her. "So grace. Kiss, marry, kill," she said trying to think of the people she was going to mention. Then she remembered something and she really liked that idea of hers.

"So. Isaac, Lee and uh- Garett," of course grace would mention Isaac to MJ and they both knew it. "Uh- kill Garett duh. Mm- marry lee and kiss i-"

"Kiss isaac! She said kiss isaac!" She sharted shouting. "She said-" covering her mouth, MJ tried to stop her from shouting even more.

"Please help me,"

After grace had finally calmed down, they all continued with what they were doing. Both jackie and Skylar with their job for school leaving MJ and grace wanting to kill themselves of boredom.
"Okay. Jackie, your turn. Um, kiss, marry, kill. Cole, Alex, Isaac,"

"Grace! Why are you the way you are?" Skylar said, as his best friend continued with her kiss, marry, kill nonsense. "Maybe because my parents won't let me date and now you guys won't let me dream,"

"Once again that's really sad," MJ said as she looked at her friend.

"Okay, fine. We can play again after you spend all day with Alex," grace teasingly said to jackie and MJ continued with the teasing as well. "Alex and I are just friends,"

"Yeah and i'm Mary Poppins," MJ rolled her eyes. "Come on Jackie, it's not that bad to like him. Although i was rooting for you and cole,"

"Okay, well, what is love if not friendship on fire?" Grace started teasing her again but before jackie could say anything, benny bursted into the room. "I've got your booby holder!" He shouted as he ran around the room with jackie's bra on his head. Noticing that, she started chasing him around the room. "Benny! Hey!"

"Give that back!" Bumping into skylar, the paint he was holding was now spilled on his shirt making mess. Gasping, MJ stood up trying to help him. Dismissing her help and telling her that it was fine, he asked where the bathroom was and MJ showed it to him.

As skylar left for the bathroom, MJ turned around to look at grace who was silently chuckling at the all situation. MJ grabbed a pillow from her bed and thew it at grace, causing the girl to laugh even more. seeing her friend laughing, MJ let out a snort and started laughing too.

Their fun was interrupted when someone knocked at the door. Dropping the pillow on the bed, MJ went to open the door not expecting to see Isaac himself standing there. "Can we talk?"

teenage dream-Isaac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now