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after some time of hugging, the girls were slightly better. jackie decided to finish her tons of homework and MJ since she didn't have anything, she decided to text her friends back in new york, catch up with them and  see what they've been up to. while both girls were occupied with their activities, a knock was heard and both of them stopped from what they were doing. letting out a 'come in', Cole Walter had entered the Howard's room, bringing with him two plates of freshly made dinner.

"what are you doing?" jackie asked, not expecting to see him up their room, and with food in his hands. "dinner," he stated the obvious and both girls took a look at what was he holding. handing MJ her plate, she began eating, watching the two in front of her interacting with each other. "i take someone might not be over their close encounter with the wildlife," he joked but when he saw jackie's expression he stopped. "i'm kidding. but your faces when you saw Rumple was- it was something i tell ya,"

"who the hell is rumple?" MJ asked but then everything klicked. "don't tell me that piece of shit has a name too," hearing that cole let out a chuckle, not expecting MJ to have such a feisty personality. "indeed that 'piece of shit,' has a name. Rumplesnakeskin actually,"

"any other dangerous animals we should know about," jackie then asked and cole turned his attention once again towards the oldest Howards girl. "just isaac," cole shrugged and MJ rolled her eyes. "no argument there," she said and grabbed her now empty plate. "imma head downstairs,"

entering the kitchen she placed her plate in the sink and she started washing it. kathrine took a notice of that and joined her in the kitchen. "honey, you don't have to do that. you could just left it there. i could've washed it later," she insisted. "no, it's fine," MJ said, reassuring the woman that it's fine. "i'm so sorry about earlier. i don't know what's got into them," kathrine apologized for her family's befalf. "it's fine," MJ wasn't going to apologize for yelling at the Garcia brothers. she had every right to.

looking up ahead, she noticed her sister but now with here was Alex Walter. they were talking, chuckling at each other, all smiles and laughs. MJ was happy that she saw her sister smiling after what happened. seeing her smiling was something MJ always liked. seeing her sister enjoying herself was something rare for MJ to see after their family's accident.

afternoon came by, and every member of the walter family were busy with their own stuff. the howards girls though, were enojying themselves up in their room. they were chatting and laughing when MJ's phone rang. answering it right away, a big smile was spread on her face. hanging up, jackiew as quick to ask what happened. "it's here,"

the next morning came quickly and once again jackie was up early, leaving MJ to be sleeping again. as jackie was trying to get ready for her shower, Isaac Garcia and his cousins planned something evilly for jackie and her sister. but unfortunately only one of the girls will face the prank.

sparying her perfume, MJ was dressed in a pair of grey sweats and a black tank top and she was ready to leave when all of a sudden her sister, barged into the room furious and stressed at the same time. MJ didn't have the time to ask what happened, because her sister let down her hair from the towel and MJ was left with her mouth open. "what the hell happened to your hair?!" she frantically asked as she took a look at the scene before her. "and why the hell does your hair looks like Lorax spitted on them?"

"enough with the jokes MJ! how am i supposed to go to school like that? i look like an orange," jackie was at the edge of tears. "someone put bleach on my shampoo," she explained and then noticed the furious expression on MJ's face. "those piece of shits. hair bleach? i can't believe it. do you know who did it?" when that question left MJ's mouth, jackie looked down. she knew who did it but didn't want to share it with her sister because she knew she would go and make a scene and start a fight with the the person who did it. "Jackie come on. i know that you know who did it. spill it out," not being able to hide anything from her sister, jackie spitted it out. "it was isaac okay," before MJ could move jackie grabbed her and told her, "no, i don't want you to do anything okay. i don't need them up my shouldes even more," MJ looked down, disappointed that her sister didn't let her do anything. "promise me," jackie pleaded as she looked at her baby sister, wishing she wouldn't go and do anything. "i promise okay?"

"don't worry. put on your clothes and i'm going to bring you a hat or something," MJ reassured her. "and remember, we're not getting a ride from the walters today," MJ smirked and went downstairs.

when she once again entered the kitchen, george was quick to ask her. "hey MJ. you have any idea whose motorcycle is that out there?" MJ nodded and answered. "oh yeah. it's mine," hearing that, kathrine chocked on the coffee she was drinking. "it's yours? that thing it's yours?"

"yeah. it was a gift from Uncle Richard," MJ explained, enjoying everyone shocked expressions. "she's great isn't she,"

"yeah she's great," Isaac butted in all of a sudden, earing a boring look for MJ. "Wanna give me a ride sometime?"

"you think that i will put your smelly ass on my motorcycle?" she chuckled at his silly way of thinking. "no way," Isaac's smile dropped immediately. "jackie come one we're leaving!" she shouted up to her sister. "bye," and with that she left the house. "he gave her a motorcycle. i can't believe it," kathrine whispered. "son of a bitch,"

getting her bike ready, she waited for her sister to arrive. noticing that she and the rest of the walters exited the house, she placed her helmet on and gave the other one to jackie once she took a seat behind MJ.

"see ya, assholes," MJ chuckled and left for school along with her sister. after a few minutes of riding, they finally arrived at their destination. MJ noticed the familiar car of grace's and saw an empty spot next to it so she went for it. parking her bike, the got off and took off their helmets.

"you got a frickin' motorcycle?!" grace yelled excited of what she had seen. skylar didn't exactly knew what to say but sure thing is that he was impressed. "what are you 15?" MJ nodded not understanding what her age had to do with anything. "You're 15 and you already know how to ride a motorcycle. How is that possible?"

"That's what you get when your uncle from your mom's side is obsessed with motorcycles." MJ simply said. "How come Jackie hadn't mention anything about motorcycles?"

"Oh motorcycles are MJ's thing. I was and are too scared to ride one," jackie explained to both her friends. "At 15, wow,"

teenage dream-Isaac GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now