Book 1 Chapter 15

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Not all creatures are animals and special creatures of darkness.There are monsters among people too.Each creature can be defined differently. And in Hydra you would find a lot of those creatures..Anyone can be a monster, the demogorgon lurks in every creature.


"Alright, we're here," Tony said, laying Peter down on the couch.

"That's pretty much you, kid." Tony laughed lightly and Peter gave him a weak smile.Tony stroked his hair and Peter closed his eyes for a small moment.

"You can sleep" Tony said, Peter nodded slightly.Tony let him sleep and went into the kitchen to join the others.The girls were explaining to the Avengers what happened.

"Peter was probably asking Ned something and Ned was answering, we only heard Ned..." Betty said.

"And what did Ned say?" Steve asked.

"Well, he was rather describing. What the other world looks like, supposedly like home, Queens probably meant, but dark, cold and empty."Betty continued to explain.

"At least that's what we heard," MJ informed them, looking at Tony.

"How's he doing?" Nat asked.

"Well, he's sleeping now..." Tony replied.

"Did he say anything else?"


,,So what?"

"That he doesn't know how to get out of there."


"Fury!" Nick Fury was startled and his coffee mug fell to the ground and broke.

"Shit! Hill! Didn't anyone teach you to knock!?"

"Sir, the same signal appeared in Queens as the day before yesterday in Avengers Tower..." The agent informed her superior.

"Well it looks like we're going to visit some old acquaintances." Nick Fury said turning to Maria Hill.


Richard was writing something down in his notes. When he remembered the one memory he should have put out of his mind a long time ago, if only it were that easy.

"Richard, please! Please please. It's all I have."A shot and a scream..

Richard Parker pounded his fist on the desk he was sitting at.He has to finish that project. He must finish what he started.


"Peter! Peter! Let me go! Please!"


Ned walked through the dark alleys. He hadn't seen the Demogorgon for a long time.Maybe it was a good thing, right?But Ned thought it was the calm before the storm.He has already found a few weapons.Rocks, a slingshot (hooray!), a baseball bat, and nails.Hopefully it will be enough for his defense..But, who knows?


"Hello Mary." Richard greeted the woman sitting at the bar.

"Hello, Mr. Parker," the reporter replied.Richard sat down next to her.

"I hear you have news about, you know what?"

"Sure, but it won't be free..."

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