Book 1 Chapter 2

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"You know as well as I do Tony that it's crazy to just march in there," Steve said, 

"regardless of the fact that the kid will be gone."Steve argued as it rained heavily outside.

"You're right Rogers" Stark acknowledged. The kid will be gone by now. Why didn't they notice him sooner!? Oh he knows, they were too preoccupied with that thing! Whose head opened!?

"but what now?" Nat asked, "the kid might know what that thing is" she continued confidently.

"Sir, there seems to be a child wandering outside of Avengers Tower" Friday spoke up. The Avengers looked at each other. They were all thinking the same thing.
The Avengers looked at the boy in front of them. He looked at them, and they looked at him.The boy was strange and that was an understatement. He was wearing a hospital gown and hadn't spoken a word since they got him out of the rain.

"Well, who are you?" Bruce tried. He looked the least dangerous after all. Who would be afraid of Bruce Banner being Bruce Banner, right?

"what's your name" Steve tried but nothing. No response.

Tony got up and went somewhere. The Avengers looked behind him and then looked at each other, all shrugging.When he came back, he had what looked like pieces of clothing in his hand.He handed them to the boy, 

"Here you go instead of the wet shirt" the boy carefully took his clothes and then looked back at Stark who nodded at him.He then got up and walked next to the Avengers again. The boy looked around the room and then looked back at Tony, not at the Avengers, but at Tony.

"There's something like a dump over there behind that door. You can change in there." Tony said and the boy got up to go to the laundry room.No one could fail to notice how he just closed the door.When he returned, he was already wearing dry clothes. He already looked like a normal boy. But he still didn't say a word.

"Is that you?" Natasha asked as she pointed to the display, 

"I thought it was a little girl at first, but when I saw you in that gown"The boy looked at her and then finally nodded.

"Do you know what that creature was in that hallway?" Clint Barton asked and the boy turned to him, but this time he didn't answer.

"What were you doing there?" Bruce asked. No answer.

"well, I've had enough, I'm going to call Fury that we found him" he picked up the receiver because Steve didn't know how a cell phone worked.But no sooner had he picked up the receiver than some force sent him back with a loud thud. This happened about three times in a row before everyone turned towards the boy.His nose was bleeding. He shook his head 

"no" without taking his eyes off the receiver and the Avengers...

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