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,,are you kidding, Tony!? Now that It's going hard!?" black widow herself scolded him...
"I agree with Stark, I'm pretty hungry" Clint announced.
"See?! Barton knows what he wants" Tony pointed out.
"Clint remind me when it's all over to slap you" Natasha said sweetly. Suspiciously sweet.
"Steve!? Steve are you there!? I need security after this mission!" Clint panicked, when Nat threatened him.
"Damn" Tony said suddenly.
"Make me, grandpa!" Tony yelled back.
Suddenly the place started to shake and an alarm started screeching through the corridors. The place shook so violently that Clint fell to the ground. As if some force was shaking him.
"What's going on!?" Nat yelled.
"I have no idea!" Clint said rather loudly.
The Hydra soldiers and agents started running towards them, but they didn't give them a single look...
,,Hey! It's rude not to say hello!" Tony scolded them and they all rolled their eyes.
Suddenly it stopped, but strange noises could be heard, as if they belonged to some animal, but neither of them recognized the sound. Suddenly there was a bang.
"What was that?" Natasha whispered.
"Time for the green alert?" Bruce said, hearing what Nat whispered.
"And what about lightning!" Thor called, again from the receiver.
"Just stick to the plan!" Tony whispered to them.
And then they saw a huge monster that they had never seen in their lives. It was a white monster that they couldn't even dream of, it had no face and walked on all fours. She walked slowly towards them.
"Yeah, green alert and lightning!" Steve yelled into his earpiece. And that was enough for the monster to open its head and start after them.That moment, the Hulk appeared with Thor and pulled the monster through the wall.The Avengers immediately headed for the exits. They didn't encounter the monster again...
"What the hell was that!?" Clint yelled as soon as they took off.Tony just looked at him but didn't say anything. None of them said anything.
The truth was, no one knew what had just happened...

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