Book 1 Chapter 14

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MJ and Betty watched silently as Peter searched for? He doesn't.They didn't dare make a sound.Suddenly the transmitter said:,,Hello? ...Mysterious boy?"

It was intermittent, but the girls knew that Ned was talking about Peter.

"Look, I don't know where I am, but it's dark and cold here! And it looks like home, but it's not home! I don't know how to get out of here.."Grunting noises often came out, but both MJ and Betty knew what Ned was telling them.


Peter stood next to Ned Leeds."At Delmar's?" Peter read the sign on a building in the other world.

"Yeah, I found some food here, but it's not very good..." Ned explained and Peter nodded."Is Betty and MJ okay?" Ned asked.

"Yes," Peter said, but he couldn't hear it as clearly anymore

."I'll find you." He said before the connection was cut.And Ned was left alone again.


"Shit! Get the fireman!" MJ ordered as the transmitter caught fire.Peter's nose was bleeding and he looked confused and tired.MJ knelt before him.

"Peter? peter can you hear me Are you okay?" Peter looked at her but said nothing.

"Betty go get Tony, do it!" MJ responded quickly.Betty immediately opened the door and a worried Tony immediately walked in.

"Peter! Oh god," He looked at the girls, 

"How long has he been out like this?"

"Only after it broke" Betty said pointing at the transmitter.

"Okay, I'll get you out of here, kid" He said and took Peter in his arms in a bridal style.

"Quickly before the alarm goes off." He growled at the girls and they stormed out of the school.


,,Sir? We picked up a signal from Midtown." A Hydra soldier told Richard Parker.

"Don't do anything yet, wait for the next signal. We need to find out in which circle it occurs.."

"Yes sir, Hail Hydra!" The soldier shouted and left.Richard looked at the monitor where he was watching the old footage

"We'll find you anyway..." He whispered and everything went out.

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