Book 1 Chapter 13

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"He stores them?" Steve asked.

"Mmm," Peter agreed.

,,Why? And for what?" MJ asked.Peter didn't react, he didn't know the answer.

"We'll deal with it tomorrow..." Tony said.


"Come on, come on, come on." Ned tried to start a fire, but as soon as it looked like there would be at least a spark...
She disappeared immediately, Ned was angry at the world, why did he even climb into that alley!?
The crunch of a twig.Ned began to look around. Is there? Or is it something else?!
Ned didn't know what to do anymore.

Then he heard footsteps coming towards him.That wasn't the creature.He saw the boy again, like last time.
"Ned?" The brown haired boy asked and Ned was confused.Ned was getting cold here and sometimes he coughed. The air must have been toxic.
"Yes?" Ned whispered

." five" The boy said and disappeared.It took Ned a while to decipher the message, but it finally dawned on him.


Peter opened his eyes, it was cloudy outside. The days were getting darker and darker, or so it seemed to him.He brushed his teeth and went out into the hall.
Finally he made his way to the living room where he sat down on the couch.After a few minutes he heard footsteps in the hall, when he turned he saw it was MJ.

"Um, hello, I didn't know someone would be here. Otherwise I'm Michelle, you can call me MJ and that's Betty." Michelle Jones introduced herself.

"Pretty." Peter said smiling at her MJ smiled back.

"Thanks, you're pretty too..."

"Hey, kids!" Tony called out suddenly.

"And where is the blonde?"

"I'm going to wake her up..." Michelle said and disappeared into the corridor.Tony went to make some more coffee. While Peter was flipping through one of the magazines that was on the TV stand.After a small breakfast, everyone was already sitting in the car. The kids in the back, Peter, MJ and Betty, while Tony drove.

When they got there, Tony turned back to the kids.

"I'll go there with you and guard the door, okay? If anything happens, you'll tell me right away, okay girls?"

"Sure," Michelle said.Then everyone got out of the vehicle. Tony put on his cap and sunglasses.Peter stuck behind Tony, he had never been so close to the other kids.They walked in, no one noticed them, which was perfect by the way..

"Here" Betty said opening the door at the end of the hall.It was true there was something like a giant transmitter in the room.Peter walked in and sat in a chair in front of the machine.

"I'll keep watch outside." Tony said and the girls went inside to listen to whatever Ned had to say.Peter put his hands on the device and closed his eyes....


"Peter! Peter! Let me go!"

Irondad|Stranger Marvels✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora