he looked worn out as he replied

"I am fine. My chest hurts a little.” I needed to take him to the hospital...

This has shocked me tremendously. I said, "Let's go to the hospital." he looked at me and said "No. No, I'm fine.”

"You just had a panic attack. And now chest pain. This is not fine. We're going. End of discussion."

he knew Tae couldn't change my mind. I helped him get up but his legs were shaking. I picked him up and helped him sit back in the car.

We drove off to the same hospital I took him last time...

I took him to the emergency room. My heart was clutching. I wasn't gonna rest till I'd find out if he's okay.

I parked the car and before he could come out, I ran to his side to help him out.

I wrapped my right hand around his waist. And held his left hand with my left hand. Helping him so he doesn't fall. he took a step. His legs were weak which made him almost fall.

he whispered to me"l can walk just fine."

I said in sarcasm"Sure you can.”

We walked into the emergency room and waited there for a moment. We were met by the same doctor as last time. He smiled upon us as he called out her name "Mrs. Jeon.”

To be honest, hearing that, sounded like music to my

I did not let his hand go as we
walked into the examination room...

he sat on the bed and I stood behind him...

First, the doctor felt his heartbeat with a stethoscope. He looked at him and smiled while saying "Don't be nervous Mrs.Jeon. I'm just gonna check you, okay?” But whatever he did, his heartbeat wasn't slowing down.

He again asked, "Would it be comfortable if your husband held your hand?" he nodded lightly.

I took his long hand in mine. Rubbing soft circles on his knuckles...

He checked his heartbeat again and looked at me to ask"Can we talk in private?"

I nodded my head and was about to walk, but his grip on my hand was still tight. I leaned close to him and said: "I'll be right outside, okay?”

he nodded his head and I pecked the corner of his lips. And we both went outside. Leaving him in the room with his nurse...

He asked me"Why happened
to him?"

"We were coming back from his parents' house. he was fine then. But when we reached home, he shouted to stop the car. I did and he got out, falling on the floor. he was having a panic attack and after that, it was chest pains."

"Has he experienced a panic attack before?"

"Not that I know off. This was his first time with me.”

"Does he have any anxiety

"he does tremble a lot whenever he talks to someone new or when someone raises their voice at


"Including light stressful moments?"


"We Shall go back in.”

We went back inside, his face was white as a sheet. The doctor asked

"Mrs.Jeon, how many times have you experienced panic attacks before?"

he looked at me and I was waiting for him to answer.

he answered " Many... Many

"Do you know the exact count? Or give us a round figure from when they have started from?"

"I had my first panic attack when.... when my parents died at the age of 15."

"Almost 10 years of panic attacks. Have you went to a doctor to get it checked?"

he shook his head negatively. The doctor asked him again "Who was helping you when you used to get the attacks?"

"M-my cousin."

"Anyone else?"

"No. Just him.”

Fucking Jimin never took him
to a hospital before!

The doctor looked at me and
said "I'm prescribing some Xanax for his nerves for a while. If he experiences the attack one more time, bring him here pronto." I nodded my head at him...

I helped him get in the car
again. As I buckled his in, his skin was cold. I took off my sweatshirt and said:"Raise your arms."

he did and I slid it down his tiny body. The sweater fitting his body like a dress.

As we dove I looked over at
him, the back of his head against the head of the seat...

His body looked weak and tired. I asked, "Why haven't you been to the doctor before?"

"They wouldn't let me go for a

My hands on the steering wheel tightened. I asked, "What about Jimin?"

"David wouldn't let him."

"He wanted to help me but David used to threaten that if he did then David will do something terrible to me.”

he continued "I used to be afraid of Jimin at first. I thought he'd hurt me just like them. But he never raised his hand on me. Ever. He was always polite. Always nice to me. He bought me things without letting anyone know. Every year when the clock stroke 12 on my birthday, he'd be the first and only person to wish me. Even gave me little cupcakes with a candle on them. He learned to bake just for me."

he giggled as he recalled his memory with Jimin.

he giggled as he recalled his memory with Jimin

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he giggled. That was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. I looked at him as his smile reached up to his eyes.

he stopped smiling and
said, "But David caught that
too and I made him swore to
never do that again.”

I took a deep breath and said "I know I don't know the feelings you're feeling now. I can't imagine what you've been through is horrible. You must be in pain. Just numb the pain for a while, Taehyung. And when it's all done, you can let it out all at once. Right now you need to be strong for yourself"


To be continue...

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