𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐲

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"Stupid Hayes," Lily rolled her eyes, closing the compartment door behind her, as she headed back to her own compartment. The rhythmic clattering of the train on the tracks accompanied her as she headed back to her own compartment. In her arms, she cradled Sushi, the mischievous kitten that had caused all the commotion back in the Gryffindor cart.

Lily paused, lifting Sushi up to her face, their eyes locking in a silent exchange. The small kitten's innocent gaze met Lily's, but it was clear there was mischief beneath those furry layers.

"And why did you run away, Mr. Troublemaker?" Lily asked, her voice a blend of gentleness and scolding. Sushi avoided eye contact with her, acting all innocent despite causing all the chaos and panic when he had left Lily's side.

"Hm? Are you upset with me scolding you, baby?" Lily cooed as she gently turned the kitten to face her. Sushi responded with a small meow, seemingly acknowledging his mischief but also seeking forgiveness.

"I'm sorry, but it's for your own good. What if you got taken away by a bad guy? Not everyone likes cats," Lily expressed concern, her frown deepening at the thought of someone with ill intentions taking Sushi. She vividly remembered instances where a few foolish and cruel Slytherins had experimented with hexes and charms on unsuspecting students and their pets. Lily shook her head, determined to protect Sushi from any harm, recalling how she had dealt with those responsible for the bullying in the past and made sure they were in the Hospital Wing for at least a few months. The mere idea of them laying a hand on Sushi angered her and her nostrils flared at the thought of anyone attempting to use Sushi for such cruel experiments, and she vowed to prevent them from harming any other pets at all costs.

"You're never going there again, alright?" Lily sternly instructed Sushi, who responded with another meow, seemingly agreeing to abide by her rule. However, to be cautious, Lily made a mental note to lock the compartment door next time to prevent any future escapades.

"Good, now let's get back to our compartment. I wasn't the only one who you left in panic," Lily remarked as she approached her compartment. She swung the door open and almost immediately, Sushi was taken from her arms by Mary MacDonald, one of her closest friends.

"How is he? Is he injured?" Mary hurriedly asked, her hands gentle yet urgent as she checked Sushi's entire body for any signs of even a scratch. After a thorough inspection, she sighed in relief and cuddled Sushi close to her chest. "You poor baby, you must have been so scared," she cooed, her voice filled with genuine concern and affection for the little kitten.

As Lily settled down across Mary, the compartment door swung open once more, revealing Marlene McKinnon. Her eyes first met Lily's, registering a sense of calmness in her eyes unlike the panic and anxiety in them when Lily realised Sushi wasn't in the compartment, before shifting to Mary and the safely retrieved Sushi in her arms. Marlene released a breath she was holding in, her concern for the little kitten evident on her face.

Marlene's exasperated expression deepened as she flopped down onto the seat next to Lily, her disheveled hair reflecting the frustration of her quest to search for Sushi in Hogwarts Express.

"You wouldn't believe how many compartments I went into," Marlene groaned, rubbing her temples as if trying to erase the memory. "I even saw someone shagging in the train bathroom."

Lily groaned as well, sharing in Marlene's exasperation. "Is it Roland and Fischer again? They always pull this kind of stunt, even if there are third years nearby!" The mention of the notorious couple brought back memories of the overly affectionate pair who seemed incapable of keeping their hands off each other for more than a minute. It was as if Hogwarts had become their personal love nest.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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