🔮 Void Caster x Narrator (Lunar Overture) 🎭

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   "We should leave, sir. She's just a creepy stalker. Don't waste your time with her." his bodyguard spoke.

"I..." Narrator struggled to find words. "I need to be on my way. I apologize for bumping into you. Good day, madame."

"WAIT! Narrator." Void Caster grabbed him.

"I must be leaving immediately. I have a busy schedule today after the recent hit to my reputation..." Narrator repeated and started walking away with his bodyguard.

"BUT HOLD ON! I haven't eve-" Void Caster was cut off.

Narrator always had a short temper. Ever since he was a child he would lash out from frustration. His mother always scolded him. She told him that his nasty temper would be the death of him. But he never expected her to be so damn right.

"MADAME! I said I need to go!" he tugged his arm away.

Narrators short temper backfired. He didn't realize Void Caster was holding onto his arm so firmly. When he whipped his arm forward, she went forward too. She lost her footing and hit the pavement ground. She lay there as Narrator looked at her. Processing what he just did.

His short outburst of anger rapidly escaped his being. He realized what he did. Regret overtook him. He was debating himself on leaving or helping her up. But before he could even do anything, a large hand grabbed his shoulder. It was a firm hand. Narrator jumped from the unexpected touch.

He looked back to see who it was. He saw two titans standing behind them. They both had six eyes, several horns and the most hateful glares he had ever seen. They irradiated so much evilness off their skin. He felt afraid. He was going to call for his bodyguard to intervene, but unfortunately his bodyguard was already preoccupied.

One of these titans grabbed his bodyguard's neck. The titan lifted him off the ground and strangled him with one hand. His bodyguards face turned bluer than the sea. His eyes looked like they were about to bulge out. Narrator trembled when he heard a crack. His bodyguards head limped to the side. The giant titan tossed his lifeless corpse onto the train tracks.

The other titan grabbed his shirt collar and lifted him into the air. The void titan gave him a death stare. All six of those eyes stared into his soul. Narrators heart was pounding so hard you could see it trying to escape out of his chest. This titan spoke in an extremely low voice that only he could hear.

"We want to make something very clear, Mister Narrator. If you ever disrespect Miss Caster like that ever again, we will beat you until your bones shatter. Your veins will bleed like the Tigris and Euphrates River, but it will never be enough to quench the thirst of our hatred. Your skin will melt like slag off your pitiful husk that you call a body. We will rip every limb off. Pluck every nerve. And make you beg for death. You will weep and cry for forgiveness, which will only bolster our resolve. For we hate you. You will know what true fear and agony is. There is no solace nor escape. Only pain. After we are finished making you regret ever being involved in Casters life, we will sell your mangled corpse to Umbra. She'll cut up your pathetic body into squares and feed you to her hellhounds. Your skull will be trophied in her throne room for all to see. Nobody DISRESPECTS Miss Caster like that, or they will taste THE FIERY PITS OF HELL!!" the beast growled at his face.

"The red sun rises over hell in the name of Mistress Caster. Golden rays of the glorious sunshine sets upon her. We've slaughtered millions of wretched souls who dare disrespect HER! We've protected that girl since we were mere adolescents. We won't hesitate to squash you like a maggot piece of shit bug. You have the audacity to KNOCK HER ON THE GROUND! WE SHOULD SPLATTER YOUR BRAINS ON THE PAVEMENT AND SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT!!" the other Void Titan spoke up.

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