🪄 Void Caster x Narrator 📚

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Ngl, I had no intention of making this but y'know, love.

I was joking about narrator x void caster, I only made that because of this fanart I saw

But Aegis' thingie mabobbie was just inspiring 🤩

BeyondAegis Okay here's your food


   As the starry stars lit up the beautiful nightsky, a lonesome Void Titan laid against a rolling hill. She sat on the warm grass and watched the stars glow a wild assortment of colors. White, yellow, purple and red all sparkles in the night sky. 

   She was busy writing in her spellbook. She had decided to create a new spell using a combination of two previous ones. She wrote them down and decided to test it out.

   She reached her palm out and chanted her new spell. A tiny violet fireball briefly appeared in her hand before shriveling up and disappearing into thin air. It's ash was released into the chilling wind. She jotted down her observation.

   She tried thinking of a way to make this work. She put the tip of her pen in mouth and thought very hard. She was so lost in her head that she didn't heard two footsteps approaching.

   She nearly jumped when she felt two cold, mysterious hands touch her neon pink horns. She dropped her pen into the grass at the touch and felt her heart beat faster.

   "Hey, Caster. What are you doing?" A cloaked voice said behind her.

   It was Narrator. Out it all the people who could have came over, it was him? He was so mysterious and sophisticated. He always had a dark hood which only revealed his beautifully pink eyes.

   He just scared the shit out of her. She instantly hid her book by sitting on top of it. She looked up and prayed that he didn't see what she was doing. She was afraid of what he'll think.

   Magic was cool, but she didn't want to be called a nerd by him. She really cared about how he viewed her. She didn't want him to see her with something as silly as magic.

   "OH! UMM, HI NARRATOR! I was uhh, just sitting and that's it. Nothing else!" Caster stammered.

   "But, I saw you writing in a book?" Narrator raised an eyebrow.

   "What's a book?" Caster instantly replied.

   Narrator giggled at her lousy attempt at sounding dumb. He patted her on the head and bent over next to her. He shocked her by picking up her fallen pen. He immediately began admiring it like it was some sort of ancient artifact!

   The pen in question was a small, tiny pen. It was black and pink which matched exactly with Caster. It had black ink which looked magical in the moonlight.

   "Oh? Is this your pen? I like the black and pink color scheme. I think it goes with you." Narrator complimented.

   "GIMME MY PEN BACK!!!" Caster yelled.

   Caster stood up and snatched the pen out of his hands. Narrator just chuckled. Caster looked confused until she saw him going for something else. He was reaching to pick something up off the ground.

   Suddenly, Narrator grabbed Casters book, which she was previously sitting on, off the ground. Caster tried taking it back but Narrator already had it over her head.

   Their height difference wasn't too drastic, but Narrator was much taller than Caster so he didn't need to hold it high. Either that, or Caster was just short as hell.

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