🌙 Lunar Servant x Solar Servant ☀️

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Chapter 1: Dinner Fight
First ever story, pls enjoy.
Idk if people fall in love after brawling on a table

~Rivals to Lovers~
   Lunar Finished putting the plates of food onto the Cart. She had just spent a grueling Hour cooking enough food for the entire Army.

   She grabbed the Bar Handles and rolled the cart out of the Kitchen and into the Dining Room. She look at the table seeing all of the Knights acting like Children at a Birthday party.

   She made eye contact with The Solar Servant. God she absolutely hated him. He took every chance to insult her. She would insult back and she ended up being scolded for "instigating".

    "Damn, finally the food is here. Took you long enough!" Solar Servant exclaimed

  Lunar rolled her eyes and fired back, "Maybe if you helped it would have been here sooner, or are you too busy fucking with your Axe?"

   Knights Snickered outloud as Solar began to tighten his fist. Lunar was surprised, For once he didn't insult back.

   She kept handing food out until she reached Solar. She gave him a dead look in the eyes and passed him his food.

   She moved the Cart forward and turned her back towards Solar. She was in the middle of passing a plate to a knight when she heard a voice behind her.

   "This looks like shit!" Solar exclaimed towards her. She was slightly irrated, feeling a tiny blood vessel pop out near her head. "Well as they say, you are what you eat." She shot back

   Knights started to laugh a bit as Solar stood up from his chair. "I'm shit? Your literally the color of shit!"

   Knights starting ooo'ing. Lunar turned towards Solar and fired back. "Excuse me? Your face is shit, that's why you hide behind a mask."  She was boiling red now.

   Knights burst out in laughter. Solar was slightly taken aback at that jab. He put his finger on Lunars shoulder and pushed her. "Is that why you hide your eyes? Afraid everyone will laugh at how ugly they are!"

"God Damn!" Jaxe shouted from across the table as the other Knights started losing it.

   "Don't touch me." Lunar replied as she threw his arm off her. "Or what? What are you gonna do?" He said as he put his finger back.

   Lunar who was boiling with rage, pulled her fist back and hit Solar right in the Side of the head, making Solar stumble.

   Everyone at the table fucking lost it as they began chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" At the top of their lungs.

   "Who you betting on?" Swamp Monster whispered to Jaxe. "20 Bucks on Solar." He said confidently. "Nah, you're tripping. Lunar is gonna shred."

   Solar balanced himself and ran back towards Lunar throwing two more punches. Lunar dodged the first but the second one hit her in the chest.

   Using this momentum, Solar threw a sucker punch at her stomach. Lunar moved but got hit in the Ribs.

   She push kicked him as hard as she could sending the Sun Titan back in the ground. "Not bad." Solar mumbled as he recovered from the kick.

   Solar charged full speed, horns pointing towards Lunar. Lunar failed to react in time and was sent flying from the impact. She rolled onto the table sending food flying on the walls, floor and even some unlucky bystanders.

   Solar hopped onto the table and began walking towards the Moon Titan.

   Thinking quickly, Lunar got up and tackled Solar pinning him. The table broke from all the weight. She began releasing a barrage of punches towards his face.

   Everyone was loosing their shit and making a massive ruckus, enough to attract the attention of the Queen.

Umbra & Penumbras walked in to see Lunar & Solar servants brawling on the Dinner Table as everyone cheered.

   Umbra smashed her foot into the ground. "Enough!" She growled as Knights started running, fearing what she would do.

   Lunar Shields grabbed both Solar & Lunar and dragged them in-front of the Queen. Umbra sunk her face into her hand.

   "Why can you two never get along?! It started out as bickering, but it's gone too far. Physically fighting? Ruining dinner? Riling up the Knights?"

   Solar erupted out to defend himself. "It's not my fault she is shit at cooking!"

   Lunar immediately took offense and fired back. "Shit cooking? You literally burnt last weeks dish!"

   Umbra interrupted them both. "I don't CARE who did what, this little rivalry ends now."

   The Queen rubbed her Temples. "Jesus fucking Christ, I'm not in the mood to do this. Penumbras you deal with this, I'm going to bed."

"Yes Mistress." He muttered as she walked out. Penumbra look towards the Dining Room, it was absolutely destroyed. Food was scattered across the floor, chairs were broken and the Table was snapped in half. He caught Jaxe and Swamp Monster trying to tip toe off.

"You two, clean this mess up." He ordered. Both groaned as they went for the cleaning supply closet.

   Penumbras turned towards the Lunar & Solar servant. "You Two have been fighting ever since you first met each other. Seriously, what the hell is going on?"

   Solar attempted to defend himself again. "She always provoked m-"

   Lunar Pulled herself off the Lunar Shield and yelled at Solar. "I always provoke you? You have been nothing but an Asshole to me. Honestly, Why do you hate me so much..?"

   Lunars voice started to crack and it sounded like she was about to...cry? She stormed out of the room leaving a stunned Solar and Penumbras.

   Penumbras turned towards Solar with a glare. "Go to your room."

   Solar looked at the Knight with confusion. "What?" Penumbras shouted at him this time. "Go. To. Your. ROOM!"

   Solar obliged, pulling himself off the Lunar Shield and stomped towards his room.

   Penumbras facepalmed as he walked towards the Pumpkin and Swamp monster to help out in the cleaning efforts. "Fucking Drama Queens..." he muttered.

   Solar Servant hopped on his bed and stared at the ceiling. "Why do you hate me so much?" Rang through his head like a Bell on a Tower.

   He tried to ponder off it and go to bed but the Intrusive Thought persisted. He had enough and mumbled out "Because I like you..."


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