🧹 (Maid!) Penumbras x (Sick!) Umbra 🌤️

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Special thanks to Amy for teaching me what the "!" Thing means in titles
Im sorry if i wasnt clear with my question

Detail: Everyone in this story will be female !!!

{No spell checks/proofreading} - its late at night and im very sleepy. Ill do it later.


Thunder roared in the sky like an enraged lion. The rain pounded against the stone foundation of the Eclipse Castle. Lightening cackled like an evil sorcerer. The nightsky was terrifyingly evil on this faithful night. Inside the warm Eclipse Castle, a worried maid walked through the near-empty halls. Her footsteps echoed through the stone structure. She walked quickly, like something was terribly wrong.

Penumbras stood in front of Mistress Umbras personal quarters. She worried about her dear Mistress. The Queen looked terrible earlier this morning. She looked pale and tired during her breakfast. She later retreated into her quarters during the afternoon and failed to show up for lunch.

She hadn't come out for dinner either. That made Penumbras worried sick. She must be starved! Poor Mistress. She overworked herself so much. She should take a break one day and rest herself.

Maiden Penumbras had no clue what she would find in her quarters. She rarely went in there excluding when she was cleaning. If she could correctly recall, she had a rather grand room. A large bed, a warm fireplace, a comfy cottage chair and a desk. A balcony always carried a cold breeze inside.

Penumbras admired her room. It was always a pain to clean, but she loved spending every second she could in the presence of the Mistress. She took an extra long time to dust around so that she could appreciate everything.

Strangely, the Mistress was always in there when she cleaned. She usually just sat in a chair and watched Penumbras clean her room like it was an Olympic sport or something. Penumbras found it strange but didn't truly mind.

Penumbras quickly snapped out of her wild fantasies. She made sure she wasn't flustering over Her Majesty. She brushed her loose strands of black hair over her ears, fixed her maid outfit and prepared a warm smile for the Mistress.

When she opened the door she found Mistress Umbra sitting in her desk, but she looked awful. Her usually pitch black face was pale. Her hair was always tied in two buns, but today it was messier than a pile of hay. She had dark circles under her eyes and was twitching.

Penumbras immediately rushed to Umbras side. "Mistress! Are you alright? Are you okay?! Speak to me please!"

Umbra looked so disoriented. Her eyes were hazy and she was drenched in sweat. Beads of sweat poured down her pale face. Her head was twirling and her veins were much more visible. She looked terribly stricken with illness.

"Huhh...?" Umbra groaned out.

"What happened Mistress? You look awful! You have barely eaten today and I find you half-conscious at your desk? Are you sick?" Penumbras spluttered.

"Oh, Penumbras. Ahah, I'm alr- *sniffle* ight! I was just in the rain for a *sniffle* little!" Umbra couldn't go a sentence without sniffling.

Maiden Penumbras put her fingers against Umbras cheeks. They were red from the cold she contracted. Penumbras moved her palm and held it against Umbras forehead. She instantly pulled it back at how hot it was. She was extremely feverish.

"Mistress, you're burning up! You have one if the worsts fevers I've ever felt."

"I'm fine... I'm j- A- A- ACHOO!!"

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