🗡🌟 Gold Titans Grand Return 🌟🗡

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❗️Important Warning❗️: This is has a lot of Gore.
This includes but not limited to: Decapitation, Mutilation, Strangling, Someone getting fucking squeezed to Death, Impaling, Shitton of Blood, Guts and Puncturing. Read at your own risk.
Probably one of the more emotional stories near the end. Watch out for that too.

Incase you are new to TDS, Gold Titan was an old boss who used to Inhabit Hard Mode, Golden Mode, Insane Mode and Hardcore before being removed on October 29th 2020 For Unknown reasons.

Gold Titan has Distinct Identity Disorder (DID) from Trauma, he hears voices and he has severe amnesia from the "Incident".


"Do you know what it's like? What it's like to be Forgotten? It Hurts so much. I cried for Years as you forgot about me!"

1 Hour Earlier

Gold Titans soul trudged through the afterlife. He was restless. His body was long dead, oxidizing in the air. He gained evermore rust everyday. Not his soul though.

Ever since he...y'know, died, he had been trying to find a way out. His soul floated for endless years trying to escape. He was persistent in his will to live.

He has been searching for years upon years with no hope, but he kept trying. His Years of Mental Torment would crack a Normal Person, but not this Titan. He would do anything to come back to kill the Towers, Kill Fallen King and Rule Planet Earth.

His Fantasies kept him inches away from Madness. He Fantasied about turning the Humans into Gold, Turning their cities to gold and making a Kingdom in his own image!

Those were just thoughts though. When Gold Titan snapped out of his Manifestations, he felt depressed but at the same time it gave him determination to Escape this Prison.

Gold Titans soul was the only light in the Darkness of Eternity. Correction, it was the only light in the Darkness until he saw it. A Dull Purple Light.

Dead ahead he saw a Purple Figure stand alone, gazing into the Shadows. Gold Titan hovered over as fast as he could. Was this Salvation? Or just another Soul?

"Hello Gold Titan, I've been expecting you..." the Purple Man said without even looking at Goldie

"Wha...What? How did you know I was coming? How do you know my name?" Gold Titan readjusted from not talking to another person in years, his speech was still off.

"That is not important, what is important is You." The Mysterious man replied

"Why am I so important? I'm just a relic of the past! Rusting away in the Memories of others. I'm just a Myth..." Golden depressingly said. Years of Loneliness planted seeds of doubt.

"Souls come here to Die. Rot away in Memory. Somehow, you survived the Hardships. Your Soul refuses to Die." The Purple Man said in Amazment

"Who are you Anyway? How are you here?" Gold Titan questioned.

"You can call me Lord Exo, I am here to make a proposition. Interested?" Lord Exo replied

Gold Titan gave him a Silent Nod.

"I can sense you want to Live once again, is that correct? Well I can bring you back..." Exo offered

"Yes! Yes! I will do anything to Roam the Earth once again! I will Forever be in your Debt." Gold Titan nearly bursted into Tears from the Mention of Living.

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