🐤 Ducky Rebellion || Commander & Scout 🪖

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Scout learns about a dark truth that Commander had been hiding from everyone

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Scout learns about a dark truth that Commander had been hiding from everyone.
What really happened to the duckies...

I presume that none of you speak 'Duck' so I took the luxury of translating everything Nerd Ducky says into English. You're welcome.

Note: Professor Nerdy will speak duck but occasionally switch to English since it's his third language!

(T.W: Gore, animal death, terrorism & suicide)

"Freedom is calling
to all birds who spread their wings..."


On a quiet, small little road in the middle of nowhere, a column of trucks makes their way to an isolated farm. In the back of one of these armored vehicles were soldiers. Scout was riding in the back with his friends. Sniper, Gladiator, and Militant. As the truck came to a screeching halt, Scout saw Commander already on the ground.

"Hey, Com!" Scout exciting hopped out of the truck. "What are we doing on this mission? Why are we at a farm?"

"We have to pick up and transport this harvest back to base. We need to distribute it to Korblox, Robloxia, Blox City-"

"- Boo!!" Scout interrupted Commander. "We should be fighting some zombies or kicking Titan butt!"

"We need to feed our people, Scout. You must understand that a good leader must balance combat and taking care of your people."

"Yeah. And a good leader doesn't bore his troops with some lame cargo mission! A good leader knows how to have fun!"

Commander chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair. "You got a fiery heart, kid. You'll make a great leader one day. And a better man than I could ever be."

"What? No! You're a great leader. And an awesome guy!"

"I'm not a good man, Scout. I've... done things that I shouldn't have. I did what I thought was ri-"

Unfortunately, this conversation was cut short. The ground began to violently rumble. The water in the pond began to shake. Everyone turned to the woods up ahead. Trees were being knocked over. Smog was rising from the tree lines like a phoenix rising from the ashes. What emerged from the forest could only be described as a 'War Machine'.

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