CH 6- ...Hero uniforms.

Start from the beginning

"But don't let their bias effect you in this journey. If there is one who thinks you can't, then there is another who thinks you can. And if nobody thinks you can...then you prove them wrong. Because in the end, it's you who worked for this; Not me, not them, you."

(harry its u who has to go on, I new it........not moe, not hermione, you🥺)

All Might gave an approving nod with a gleaming smile towards Izuku, and Izuku mentally deadpanned.

Some students felt excited and motivated at his words, their eyes gleaming and cheeks flushed. Izuku smiled, his mood improving because they almost looked like a bunch of squirrels with puffy cheeks.

"And, young ones, maybe you haven't formed your own views yet," All Might started, and suddenly, all the students were paying attention (😐),

" 'What makes us a hero?', and, 'What makes someone else a villain?' " All Might raised both his hands and folded them, "These are some questions, among many others, that you'll find the answer to as you find yourself growing in U.A.. We don't know how hard things will be, but every time you find something difficult, remember that this struggle means you're learning something."

Somebody in the back of the class cheered and Izuku once again deadpanned. (literal hater fr)

"Yes, All Might is right. You will struggle, you will face things you didn't think you would, you will go through so much, and you will decide if you will make it all worth it and pull through." Izuku smiled, looking at the students, most of them who seemed so new to this.

" But we're sure that everyone in this class has potential and strength to do this, so be the heroes that you should be, students!" All Might added onto the green-haired boy's words positively.

'Who's 'we', again?' Izuku mentally looked away.

. . .

'It's kind of odd, to be honest.'

Hero Costumes, Izuku meant.

It's so odd...that you need a costume to be classified as a hero. That you need a license that tells you that you're a hero.

And that's all it takes to be called a hero. It's weird.

But Izuku wasn't going to go on a rant before he had a class to teach. That'd be completely humiliating.

The green head sighed, looking at his hero costume that laid in his hands.

'Mom...' A feeling of emptiness overflows, but Izuku pushes it back.

'Sorry, mom, I couldn't wear the design we came up with.' To be fair, even if Izuku hadn't burnt the design in rage and grief, he wouldn't have worn it.

It was All Might themes, almost of an embarrassingly obvious rate.

...But, for some reason...he almost regrets burning the paper that had a million pencil scribbles and notes from his mother.

'It doesn't matter.' Izuku pushed his thoughts away and started unbuttoning his shirt collar. His new hero suit would be just fine, even superior to that design actually.

Izuku looked in the mirror, the outfit hugging his body perfectly, and squinted his eyes.

Hm...he looked a little bit depressed (coughemocough) in this, but it's not like he was dressing up for an audience. Wearing black had many of its own advantages.

For would make it easier to work in the dark, keeps attention off you, absorbs the sun better [Information unlocked: One of the energy sources of Izuku's quick is the sun, or any type of heat source!] and so much more!

And blood doesn't show as clear on black, after all.

. . .

Yes, some – though very few – of the students were already dressed. Having your hero uniform be easy-wear and accessible is very important in emergencies, so it's good that at least some students kept in mind tha–

"...U-um...excuse me..."
"Hm? Oh! Yes, Ojiro-sa-...?"




Izuku looked at the air in front of him with a blank expression, knowing someone is there but hopeful that his thoughts weren't true. "Hagukure-san. Please do not tell me that you are...unclothed right now."


When faced with silence, he looked at Ojiro, who was the one to inform Izuku about this...situation.

Ojiro was looking away with a red tint to his face, and Izuku felt dread overcoming him.

'Why are you even blushing?? You can't even see her (thankfully).' But that wasn't the point of Izuku's dread.

...Ojiro's reaction proved only one thing.

When an unbearably long silence continued, Hagukure, the invisible and naked one, stuttered, "w-well I didn't know what else to do! This, this- Well you know, my quirk um, it allows me to–"

Izuku raised a hand and signaled her to stop when feeling the humiliation that the girl must been facing. Was that...steam coming out from the air? Is that her??

Poor girl, Izuku mentally sighed, "...Um, you don't need to explain yourself, Hagukure-san...if this is what you decide to be your hero uniform, then uh......who am I to stop you? Besides, it's not like anyone can actually see you." He shrugged, but still felt a little bit skeptical of something.

'It's just that just impractical. With more disadvantages than advantages.' Izuku didn't voice his thoughts for the sake of the poor girl, but he definitely would've if it wasn't for Ojiro also being there. 'Talking in front of me must already be embarrassing, what more is there if I only point out the errors in front of a classmate?'

Hagukure twisted her feet around and was moving around uneasily, as if she too was embarrassed.

Izuku frowned. The poor girl didn't even seem like she wanted to do this herself, so after reflecting on the situation from the beginning, Izuku opened his mouth.

"...But if I can ask you a question... were you made aware that you could've used your DNA to make your hero uniform invincible, with you?"



Though Izuku couldn't see the girl, he could practically feel the shock radiating from her body.

"That...was an option?" Her boots straightened up and her gloves moved around the air as she tried defending, "I- ugh, I swear I didn't even know-"

'Yea...that's what I thought. I'd be concerned if she was aware and still choose to be nude.' Izuku sweat dropped mentally. Well, it was her choice in the end since she is invisible, but it'd still be an...unique situation.

Now, Hagukure looked (seemed???) even more flustered, and Izuku felt a wave of frustration and pity sway over him.

The green haired boy sighed, "don't blame yourself for this, Hagukure-san, you should've been made aware of this by the support techs." His brow furrowed, "For now, go and wear your sports uniform, and your hero uniform can be made in due time."

She nodded, intensely. Or, at least, Izuku thinks she did by the whip of air.

Izuku then smiled, "Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I'll make sure the one in fault takes full responsibilities for this situation, and definitely make sure something like this doesn't happen again."

'I'll need to talk to Nezu about these incompetent techs...'

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