"I am your king-"

"You were supposed to be my father first. You should have never put politics above your own children. You should have wed me off for my own happiness. Not your own gain. You should have never forced me into that room that night let alone that bed! You gave me seven days to come to terms with the fact I had to be married to a man I did not know nor like. And then to provide an heir? A father does not do that to his daughter. But you're right, you're the king... A king does what he wants with his subjects. Unfortunately, I am only one of your subjects, Your Grace."

I tried to swallowed but it felt like a rock was stuck in my throat when I heard her dig into her father like that. It's one thing for a daughter to stand up to her father but it's another when that girl's father just happens to be the King of Westeros.

Robert's face sunk and pain resided in his eyes. He stared at her for a moment with thoughts rushing to his mind. Possibly thinking of a way to respond without insulting her or losing their relationship forever. I started to wonder if maybe I shouldn't have accepted his apology while we were on the hunt. Maybe I should have waited and spoken to Alana first but how was I supposed to know she wouldn't accept her father's apology?

"I'm simply apologizing." Robert muttered. "Do not let this be our final conversation for years, Alana. You will regret it if something happens to me."

"I will never regret telling you that I do not forgive you for the pain you've caused me. You toyed me around since I was a child and just know that someday when I am a parent I will never do the things to my child that you have done to me, Joffrey, Myrcella and even Tommen." She replied with a stoic face.

I chewed my bottom lip and released a deep breath. Tightening my grip on her Feeling how her muscles were now rock hard under my grasp. Her entire back straightened and she held her head high with such pride.

That's my fucking wife... That's my girl.

"You, Alana, will regret this moment. I am your father and I am wishing to make amends with you and admit my wrongs. You are right, I should not have put politics above my family. I should not have forced you and Robb into that room and into that bed. I should not have given you an ultimatum. If you do not forgive me then you best hope in the future you do not need me. Because I will not be there for you."

Robert kept his composure and then turned his head to look at me. "Prince Robb, I hope your armies are strong if you are ever invaded and in danger. House Baratheon and House Lannister will not send men to your aid if anything happens. The north must defend itself so long as my daughter is the Lady of Winterfell."

"The north always has been and always will be strong, Your Grace." I wanted to laugh in his face. I have a feeling this is his way of declaring war on us now. As soon as he leaves I will gather my men. I will speak to them in private.

I will plan to rebel against the King of Rebellions.

Perhaps Joffrey was onto something when he said I am fit to be a King. King in the North has a nice ring to it. With Alana as my queen? Alana Stark... Queen in the North... It sounds... Perfect. It sounds right.

"Farewell." Robert tipped his head to me and then whisked away before Alana could say anything else. He trotted over to his horse and had help from his men to get onto it because of the length of his cloak that had been pulling him down.

Alana stared at him until he rode off completely. Sansa hung back for a moment giving me a shy smile. A wave and then she blew a kiss to Alana. I noticed Alana smiling with tears dripping down her face. She wiped them away thinking I hadn't seen the tears, but it was too late, I saw her sad to say goodbye to my sister and her own.

BLIZZARD: Winter Is Coming VOL 7 (ROBB STARK X OC)Where stories live. Discover now