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One Week Later

Robb's POV

            My body is drained. All I want is a hot bath, fresh clothes, my bed, and most importantly... My wife. Everyone has been dragging ass back to the castle today and I have counted every step we've taken since leaving the woods. Counting every fucking step I've taken until I get to see Alana again.

            Robert was right. Killing things is a great way to clear your head.

            And I've made up my mind... I want this to work with Alana because everyone is right when they say she's suffering as much if not more than I am right now. I get to stay in my home and she had to leave without even getting to say goodbye. I get to stay with my family and friends and she has to start from nothing and make new friends and build comfort with my family that is now hers.

            We have to create our own family to replace the one she's now lost by getting married to me. All of this happening to her in a place she'd never even been to before. But now... She's stuck here and I don't want her to ever resent me or Winterfell. Winterfell is actually beautiful and she looks so natural here. Like she was born to be here.

            Alana was born to be the Lady of Winterfell and born to be my wife. Even if neither of us ever knew it then. I know it now even if she doesn't know it or want to believe it. I've come to terms with it all now and I'm ready for pure happiness.

            1,589 steps so far and we're just reaching the gate now... And Alana is no where in sight... I dragged my feet through the mud by the gate and looked around slightly disappointed. My mother wasn't outside to greet my father either.

            "Mother and Alana are missing." I muttered to him nervously. "They should be standing right here... Right-"

            The door to the great hall opened and my mother took a step out, under her arm was a very tired looking Alana. Her eyes had dark circles and her hair had been in a sloppy braid. She was wearing a shall- no, that's a blanket from our bedchamber. I recognized it as the one that normally is draped over the rocking chair. Now it's draped over her shoulders as she shivers and takes her steps toward me.

            Mother looked concerned but smiled. "Sorry we're late. Alana needed some tea. She's been coughing all night and has a sore throat."

            Alana sniffled and forced a smile before coughing again. "Sorry, Robb. I didn't want to be sick for your return."

            1,601 steps. That's how many steps I took before my wife was in my arms again. I will never be 1,601 steps away from her again... Ever.

            I kissed her forehead and felt that he had a slightly fever and was sweating although she was shivering. "Come, let's get you to bed." I took her under my arm and escorted her to our bedchambers. Her steps were slow and weak. She gripped with all her might onto me and I loved every second of it. Even though she was just trying not to fall or faint... But it was me she was finding comfort and safety in.


            I opened the door to our chambers and it was not only spotless but everything was new. Curtains and bed linens. A new carpet and even the tiles on the floor had been fixed nicely. Grey Wind was curled up on the foot of the bed with the fire keeping him warm.

            I touched the beautiful blue blanket and looked at Alana with a smile. "You were making these before I left, weren't you?"

            Even sick, she nodded with a beautiful smile. "I wanted to-" She coughed and then groaned in pain. "I wanted to surprise you. A wedding gift... Also," She reached into her pocket and handed me gloves. "I fixed them for you."

BLIZZARD: Winter Is Coming VOL 7 (ROBB STARK X OC)Where stories live. Discover now