Vacation - part 3

Start from the beginning

Leah pov:

Y/n follows the waitress with her eyes as she leaves the table to get our newly ordered drinks. I want to enjoy this evening and not worry about y/n grabbing the waitress by the collar because she is flirting with me so I decide to start a conversation. 'Do you expect us to be here?' I ask causing y/n to look back at me, a soft smile directly creep upon her face as her eyes meet mine 'What do you mean?' She asks not understanding my question 'When we first met or after that night in the club, did you think we would be sitting here now together as a couple?' I explain my question, y/n lets out a slight chuckle 'When I first met you I wouldn't be here with anyone, not romantically at least and after that night I always had hope but I had moments I was close to giving up' She admits as she bites the inside of her cheek 'I am glad you didn't give up' I admit brushing me leg against hers under the table, y/n winks at me 'I would have been dumb if I did'. Somehow it makes my cheeks warm up and I shyly look away. We continue to eat our dinner and chatting about all sorts of things until the waitress brings us our drinks 'Your beer' She says to y/n 'And the fine wine for the fine lady' She says adding another wink. Y/n chokes on her fries when hearing what the waitress said, I notice her jaw clench in annoyance and god she looks sexy being jealous. I thank her and she brushes her hand over mine while she puts the glass down. Y/n is burning holes in the back from the waitress when she walks away again, luckily y/n leaves it and continues with the conversation we were having before.

Y/n is talking about a new tattoo she wants to have but she doesn't know what and where. I love it when she talks about something she is passionate about, her pupils dilate and her smile grows making her look like a kid in a candy shop. Then my eyes fall to her hands which holds her knife and fork while cutting her food. Her hands are looking hot, I want them on me. I let out a small whimper as I can myself getting wetter from the thoughts about her hands on me, pleasing me. 'You enjoyed your dinner?' The flirty waitress asks as y/n and I both have almost empty plates. I let out a internal sigh of annoyance because of her but then something comes to my mind, I am going to test y/n her limits, tease her. 'It was delicious thanks Claire' I say reading her name from the name card 'Good to hear, probably not as delicious as you are' She flirts. She is giving me the ick but it seems to make y/n jealous so I have to suck it up. I let out a laugh 'I might need to come back here, you work here often?' I ask pretending to be interested in her, y/n kicks my leg under the table while sending me a puzzled look, I ignore her and keep my focus on Claire. 'Only in the summer but you should sent me a text when your back here' She says with a wink 'You should give me your number then' I flirt while I touch her arm. This seems to take y/n over the edge and she clears her throats causing both mine and Claire her attention to go to her. 'If you wouldn't mind could you get us the bill?' Y/n asks giving the girl a forced friendly smile 'I- yes of course' Claire says a bit hesitant but before she can walk away I speak up 'Aren't we going to eat dessert?' I tease knowing y/n is getting annoyed by all the flirting but it is turning me on to see her being jealous. The frown that forms slightly when that girl touches me or the way she clenches her jaw to control her anger. Y/n directly shoots me a glare, a smile forms on Claire her face 'You should, the desserts are delicious here'. I look at y/n with a cheeky smile but she doesn't look impressed at my actions, she takes a sip from her red wine as Claire says 'Let me get you the dessert menu' I give her an approving nod before turning my attention to my furious girlfriend, if we would be in a cartoon smoke would be coming out of her ears. 'Leah what are you doing?' She asks raising her eyebrows, I shrug my shoulders 'Ordering dessert' I reply nonchalant 'She is fucking flirting with you' Y/n says through gritted teeth. Claire returns with the menu's 'I would personally advice the churros with chocolate or the torta de santiago which is a sort cake with a dash of Spanish spice and lemon' Claire advises but before I can respond y/n is first 'I will get my dessert once we are back at our house' Y/n says handing the menu back 'The only thing I want from here is the receipt so I can pay and leave' She adds, Claire visibly gulps at y/n her harsh tone and nods before leaving.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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