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Suddenly the headache returns with full force, I want to grab my head with my hands but one of them is too heavy to lift up. I slowly open my eyes to get used to the light when I notice Leah peacefully laying on my chest, for one moment I forgot were I am and just admire Leah her beauty. I can't bear the pain anymore, I am feeling around in my bed for the buzzer to call a nurse. I push it and not more then a minute later a nurse walks into my room 'Hey y/n, how did you sleep?' She asks until she notices Leah still asleep and gives me a sorry smile 'I slept great until I woke up and my headache returned' I explain as I try not to talk too loud 'I can give you some painkillers' She suggests and I nod in agreement. I take the painkillers and the nurse leaves the room again.

I must have fallen asleep because suddenly I feel my head again luckily it isn't as worse as last time. I slowly open my eyes and I get welcomed by two beautiful blue ones looking right at me 'Hi y/n/n, how are you feeling?' Leah asks with a small smile 'My head could use a kiss' I say smirking, Leah moves closer and kisses the bandage carefull 'Better?' She asks 'Almost' I reply and kiss her lips, I want to deepen it but Leah pulls away 'Lets first get you checked' Leah says and leaves the room.

Not much later Leah returns with the doctor 'Great your awake' he says with a smile 'I am George Stokes your doctor, how are you?' I shake his hand before answering 'Good just want to go home' I say as I lay my hand on Leah her thigh moving it slowly more to her center. 'I can understand that but we need to do some tests first' I nod before he shines a small light into my eyes. 'Reaction is good now I will ask you some questions, try to answer them as fast and honest as possible' I nod again 'Do you remember what happend?' He asks 'Steph took a corner and I tried to head to ball but something hit my head instead' I remember, he nods 'We are going a little more back in time, what did you do yesterday?' Leah and.. Leah. 'I- um I can't tell you' I say giving him the look 'Alright' he chuckles 'What is your mothers name?' 'Y/m/n' I respond quickly. He asks some more questions and I need to do some walking exercises 'Everything looks fine, I will get you crutches because your still a bit unsteady which is totally normal and then you are ready to go home' George says after we finish the exercises 'Do you have questions?' I quickly look from him to Leah and back 'So I can't train for  a week and after that I should slowly build back to normal' I check 'Indeed, no football for atleast a week' Doctor Stokes says 'And what about other activities?' I ask with a grin, Leah turns red in emberasment and looks the other way 'You are allowed to do other activities but take it slow' He laughs and walks out. 'Really y/n?' Leah asks once the doctor had left, I pull Leah closer by her waist our face inches apart 'I want you Le' I say trying to kiss her but she faces the other way 'You will have to wait a few more hours then' She says and pecks my lips before the doctor returns. 'Here are your crutches, there is a cab waiting for you outside' I take the crutches 'Thanks doctor Stockes' I say and I shake his hand 'Ofcourse, hope to not see you again here and good luck with your carreer, both' I smile and we leave the room after Leah has also thanked him.

The ride back to London is filled with tension, sexual tension. I am resting my head on Leah her shoulder as I kiss her hand every so often. I am wearing a clean hoodie which the girls brought with them when they apparently visited me while I was asleep, they also brought all our stuff from the stadium. I am still wearing my shorts from the game which are disgusting with grass from the pitch and sweat from the match. I should really take a shower when I get home. Leah also hasn't showered yet because she came to me directly after the game.
We arrive back home and go inside, I stumble a bit while getting up the stairs because my balance isn't great. 'You need help?' Leah asks from downstairs as I enter the bathroom 'No I think I can do it myself' I reply back. I look in the mirror for the first time, I look rough, the bandage is all around my head and my right eye is a bit black. I undress slowly before entering the shower and letting the hot water run over my skin, my bandage aren't aloud to get wet and need to be changed every 6 to 8 hours. After a few minutes arms slim around my waist and a head leans against my shoulder, I turn around and embrace Leah in a hug 'What’s wrong Le?' I ask kissing the top of her head 'I thought I was losing you' She says burying her face more into my neck. 'You didn't and you won't' I tell her as she removes her face from my neck, now I am looking into her blue eyes 'I promise' I say before kissing her. Tongues explore eachothers mouth and hands travel over eachothers bodys, I wanted to starts kissing her neck until Leah says 'Lets get out' I just nod and kiss her lips once more. We leave the cabin and dry ourselves quickly before going into our bedroom.

Leah pushes me on the bed and sits on top of me, kissing my neck and breasts, I moan at her actions. I want to turn us around but she stops me 'Let me tonight'. Her hand travels down to my center as she starts rubbing circles on my clit, I bite my lip in pleasure. She enters two fingers and start moving on a fast pace, my breathing gets heavier and my moans get louder when I am feel myself getting closer. 'Le, im gonna come' I say against her lips, just before I let go she stops and pulls her fingers out leaving me heavily breathing in bed still on the edge 'Leah what?' I ask confused as she steps out off bed and grabs the strap on out of the closet, I smirk at her actions 'You got a dirty mind' 'Says you' she kisses my cheek and whispers 'Put it on'. I do as she says and want to turn us around again but Leah pushes me down again 'I wanna ride you' she says licking her lips and I bite mine as I pull her on me. She slowly sits down on the strap and starts moving up and down, I keep my hands on her waist holding her steady. Our moans get louder when I trust my hips allowing it to go in deeper, Leah leans foward and bites my earlobe 'I..' she starts 'Me too' I say already knowing what she is gonna say. I feel her legs start to shake as mine do too, I throw my head on the pillow when I feel Leah her juices drip onto my thigh and I also reach my own high. I let Leah ride it out before she moves off me and I take the strap off and lay it on the nightstand.
'We should change your bandages' Leah says when we are both back to normal. The doctor had explained to us how to refresh it and we have gotten some stuff with us to do so. We both get out and change into fresh clothes, I go lay in bed again and Leah walks downstairs to grab the necesarries.
I am texting the girls letting them know I am fine and home again when Leah comes back with her hands full of stuff that she drops next to me on the bed. 'Lets get started' She says, I sit up against the wall and Leah sits down on my lap. She removes the bandage with caution and pulls a nasty face when she sees the stitched up cut, I take her hands away from my face and look her in the eyes 'You don't have to do this Leah, I can do this to' I tell her 'No, its not that its just.. not a nice sight' she giggles trying to say it on a nice manner which makes me giggle too. I look up at Leah as she is cleaning and plastering the stitched cut again, I get lost in her beauty and maybe also a little because her boobs are litterally in my face and she wears a tight shirt without wearing a bh. 'Y/n/n, can you give me the scissors?' Leah asks pulling me out off my staring contest with her boobs. 'I think I should get injured more often, I like this view' I say as I hand her the scissors, Leah chuckles at my statement 'Your a child sometimes' I shrug my shoulders and wait until she is done. Leah lays the stuff on her nightstand and we both lay down again, Leah with her head on my chest. 'I love you Leah, thank you for everything' I say as I pull her closer 'I love you too but just dont ever let me scare like that again' 'I won't' I reassure her and she kisses my jaw before we both close our eyes.

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