Get yourself together

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I wake up by knocks on the window of my car, I roll my window down and see Joe standing there with a mad face. 'Hi Joe, mate, how are you?' I say a little to happy, alcohol definitly still in my system. 'Dont 'hey mate' me y/n' Joe says sternly 'Come inside, I will prepare you breakfast'. I get out of my car but not before spraying some perfume, I look in my mirror to fix my hair and look at my face, Katie gave me good punch. I might need to start thinking about a story to cover it up.

Joe has prepared me a bacon and egg sandwich and a bottle of water, which i am really thankfull for. Joe watches as I eat the sandwich, he looks disappointed. After a while Joe says 'You need to get yourself together y/l/n' I look at him and say 'And who are you to tell me to do that?' Not really nice after all he has done for me but I couldn't help it. 'Look I get it your angry about whatever happend but your young you have a whole future infront of you, don't throw that away'. The silince returns while I am thinking, he is right this can't continue like this. 'I- I am sorry Joe' I say looking down at my plate 'Its just, I haven't really known better then drinking my feelings away' Joe grabs my face and points his finger at me 'You go now, your sober enough to drive. Go say sorry to whoever gave you that' he touches my face I groan, it hurts.

I arrive back home, Katie her car is in the drive-up which means she is home. I put my keys in the door and enter, I slowly take of my shoes and hang my jacket up. Going as slow as possible. I first look into the living room, Katie is not there then I walk into the kitchen, Katie is there but she is not alone, Beth and Viv are there too, for fucks sake, really? I want to turn around and walk away but Viv says 'y/n stay' on a motherly tone, with care but also sternly. I enter the kitchen and grab a glass of water before jumping on the countertop. This is the first time I look at Katie and I hit her pretty hard as well, her right jaw is bruised.
'So are you guys going to say something or not?' I say irritated 'How long has it been going on?' Beth asks worried 'What has been going on?' I act like i don't know what going on, they ofcourse mean my alcohol addiction 'You know what Beth means y/n' Viv says.
'Fine' I say after a while 'My dad left me, my mom and sister when I was 16. He was my rock and he just left me, I blamed myself for it. I started drinking because it made me feel at ease and it doesn't directly affect my football carreer' I blurt out 'Sorry y/n, we didn't know' Katie says 'Ofcourse you didn't know, I told nobody not even my mom and sister. I am good at hiding stuff and I definitly don't want your pity right now' I answer looking all three of them in the eyes. 'Fine then you won't get our pity, but you need to stop' Beth says 'I know but-' 'No buts y/l/n, you are going to stop or we are going to Jonas' Viv says 'Okey mom' I reply which makes Katie laugh, I hop off the counter and walk up to Katie 'Sorry mate' I say genuily giving her a hug 'Its okey, I shouldn't have hit you to' Katie replys.

The rest off the day we chilled on the coach watching movies. Viv cleaned up my cut, it wasn't deep so it won't leave a scare and it will be gone in 3 days or so. I could feel that Viv had her doubts about me keeping my end off the deal but I knew I was going to do my best to keep it, although I knew at some point I won't be able to resist it.

A/N: Needed to let Katie and y/n be friends again.

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