Welcome party

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Its been a week since my singing, life is pretty amazing. I have just packed up my old appartement and everything is in boxes now. My car and stuff will be shipped to England. Right now I am driving with mom and y/s/n to the airport, I grab my suitcase from the boot and give them one last hug. See you soon Aussie

I walk out of the airport in London and it is cold although it is September, I pull a jacket out of my suitcase and sign for a cab. The cab takes me to the Arsenal training centre since I have a meeting with Jonas about the living situation. So at Arsenal you live together with teammates, for the extra teambonding.

'Hi y/n, how are you? Lets get started' Jonas says when opening the door to his offics 'Hi Jonas, feeling good. Ready to start here' I answer while taking a seat. 'So, you know the rules for the housing arrangements right?' I nod 'Good, you are together with Katie McCabe, I think that is going to be no problem' 'Yes, Katie is fine' I say with a smile 'Good, I will text you the adress and then I will see you tomorrow for your first training' he says while opening the door 'Thanks coach, see ya tomorrow' I shake his hand.

I arrive at the address and its a nice house not big but big enough for two. I go out of the cab, thank the driver and grab my suitcase and bag from the boot.
I knock and the door swings open 'Hi y/n welcome in my- our house' Katie says smiling 'Thanks Katie' I say and walk in.
Katie gives me a quick tour and shows me my room, there is an double bed, closet, big chair and even an private bathroom. 'Wow Katie, this is amazing' I say laying down on the bed 'Haha no problem, I am off to the store for dinner need anything?' Katie responds 'No im good thanks mate' I say grabbing my phone. I see I have been added to a groupchat named: London is red 🤍❤️ I let out a small giggle and open the chats.

North london is red ❤️🤍:
Meado: Hi girlzz! Movie night tonight at ours to welcome y/n and celebrate the start of the season, dress comfy and be here around 7 😁
Vic: I will be there!
Leah: same!
Caitlin: Me and Lia too
Me: Sounds great, will be there
Katie: Me too

Lovely so now I have a party hosted for me, what should I were? Beth said comfy but I like to be stylish to. I am deep in thought when I hear Katie shout 'Dinner is ready'. I walk downstairs mmm smells good. We eat pasta and have small conversations about our lives. 'What are you going to wear?' I ask Katie 'Something comfy, joggers and a hoodie i guess' Katie answers I nod and say 'I will wear the same', we clean the table and I wash the dishes after that I go to my room to change. Katie knocks on my door 'come in' i say and turn around to face Katie, she stood still and stares at my body 'You know its rude to stare right? I ask giving her a wink and she turns bright red 'yea- um.. I- we need to go otherwise we will be late' she stutters 'Thanks for letting me know, just need to get dressed give me 5' I say while putting on my joggers.
The ride was quiet, comfortable silence. We went in Katie her car since mine has not yet arrived, but will be the day after tomorrow. We arrive and the door is open, so we enter. It busy but comfy busy, some people are in the kitchen others are in the living room chatting and laughing. Katie and I say hi to everyone and enter the living room, its really nice there is one big couch, beanbags and some normal chairs. I take place on a beanbag and not short after everyone has taken their place. Opposite of me sits Leah Williamson, she is hot, like really really hot and her bleu eyes are amazing. I gave her a wink when I catched her looking at me, she quickly looked away but I saw here cheecks lit up This is going to be fun.

The movie was alright we watched the first part of the Hunger games but I wasn't really watching, Leah had most of my attention, her laugh when something funny is said or when her face became serious if there was action happening in the film, damn this girl. When the film ended, people got up to refill there drinks or grab some snacks, I went to grab a new water but I wasn't the only with that idea. There were some bottles standing on the kitchen counter. I go to grab one but while I do so someone grabs the same bottle, I turn to see who it is and see those beautiful blue eyes, we stare in to each others eyes for a moment when I break the silence 'You can have this one' I whisper in her ear with a wink and I grab another bottle and open it 'T-thanks' Leah replys flustered 'No problem, lets go back. I heard some girls say something about truth or dare' Leah rolls her eyes 'Not again, we do that every movie night' I chuckle and follow her to the living room.
'Great youre here, now we can start' Beth says. We start truth or dare, I have been asked some simple questions but then I get a dare Katie says 'Call the last person you hooked up with' I start thinking the last person was that blonde girl but I don't have her number 'I don't have her number' I say honestly 'Well call the one you have the number from' Katie says curious, she is not the only one, Leah is looking at me with a serious facial expression 'Okey, okey' I grab my phone and scroll trough my contacts, here she is I push the call button

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