Australia or England

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The international breaks are coming soon. Since I haven't played for the Matildas I am still available for the Lionesses. Both teams are amazing but I preffer England over Australia, but I need to be called up first.

Things at Arsenal are going very good. We are first in the league with all 5 games won. But it is tight, Chelsea also have won every game so far and Man United are only 2 points behind us and City are 3 behind us. Today we only have a gym session because tomorrow is the London Derby against Chelsea away at Kingsmeadow.

I haven't spoken to Kirsty since she said she had feelings for me. On my way home I bought a bottle of scotch, when I arrived home I went to our balcony and sat there drinking from the bottle until it was almost empty and then going to bed. The day after was pretty rough but with some painkillers I managed to get through it, nobody has found out about that night, and other nights.
I started drinking when I was 16 after my dad left, it makes me feel at ease, ofcourse I know its not the best option but its better then smoking and I can hide it with chewing mint gum.

Me and Katie went to the training centre together in my car, Rue will pick Katie up after training so I will drive home alone. When we enter the gym almost everyone is there already expect Leah, which is strange because Leah is always way to early. We start our gym session, me, Katie and Kyra are having a bet who can do the most pull ups, Katie has done 30, Kyra was close but had 27 and now its my turn. 34..35..36.. come on two more 37..38!! and I let lose and run around in the gym shouting 'I WON, I WON' everybody is laughing about my sillyness. We continue with the rest of our exercises, I do some leg, bench press and finish off with on the bikes.

I have showered and want to leave the building but Kim comes walking over to me 'Hey y/l/n' Kim says 'Hey Cap, everything alright?' I ask 'Yeah, nothing to worry about just Jonas wants to talk to you, he is in his office' Kim replys. I walk towards his office my mind thinking 100 miles an hour Did i do something wrong? Is this about Leah? Why would he talk to me about Leah? Maybe international break, I hope it is about that. Before I know it I stand infront of his office knocking on the door 'Come in' I hear Jonas say 'Hi Jonas, Kim said you wanted to talk' I take an seat in one of the chairs. 'Yes, i do. So as you may know international break is coming up and you have the possiblity to play for England or Australia' I simply nod 'Sarina and Tony have reached out to me that they both want you, so the choice is yours' Jonas finishes 'Well this is great, is it possible to have a meeting with both of them, I want to hear their vision about me' I say suddenly am not sure which one I want to choose. 'That is no problem, I think we can give them both a call right now, shall we?' Jonas suggests 'Yes, lets do that' I say excited.

Ring ring, After a few rings someone picks up.
Sarina: Hi Jonas, this is Sarina how are you?
Jonas: Hi Sarina, im great. I'm here with y/n y/l/n and I have just told her you want her in the squad for the upcoming break.
Sarina: Yes, I would love to have her. Y/n can you hear me?
Me: Hi Sarina, yes I can
Sarina: Good, so I have been watching you even before you went to Arsenal, you are a great player with much potential and I think if you come play for the Lionesses we can make the you the best.
Me: Wow Sarina, thanks for saying that. I would absolutly love to play for the Lionesses, you are a great team. Before I say yes I want to have a talk with Tony first, I have played for Australia all my life and want to hear what he thinks about me before I make an decision.
Sarina: I understand that, give me a call when you have made your decision.
Me&Jonas: Bye Sarina.

'She gave you a lot of compliments' Jonas says with a smile 'She did' I say smiling back 'Lets call Tony shall we'

Ring ring. This time the phone is been picked up immediately.
Tony: Hi Jonas, Tony speaking
Jonas: Hello Tony, i'm here with y/n y/l/n I have just told her about you wantig to call her up.
Tony: I do indeed. I think she would be an great addition to the team, I have ofcourse watched her in the younger teams and she has really grown since being at Arsenal.
Me: Thanks Tony, I have to choose between Australia and England. I have loved my years in the youth of Australia and it would be an honour to be an senior but I think England is better fitting for me.
Tony: That is okey, you choose want you think is the best for you carreer. I hope to see you grow even more because I know you have potential.
Me: Thanks again Tony, have a nice day.

With that Jonas hangs up. 'England it is then?' Jonas asks 'Yeah, I think the team is better fitting for me, I do love Australia but I need to choose what is best for me and my carreer and right now that is choosing England.' I answer serious. After that we call Sarina back, she is very happy with my choice and says she will sent me all the necessary information by mail and hopes to see me in 2 weeks.

I walk out of Jonas his office and into the toilets, I splash some water in my face. This can't be real, I am going to play for England, Europe champions England wow! I look in the mirror and grin. Suddenly the door of one of the stalls open and Leah steps out, the England captain of all people. 'Hi, sorry I didn't know someone was still here' she says, she looks absolutly drained 'Hey, no problem. Are you okey?' I ask, No asshole she is not okey look at her. 'Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. What about you? your smiling from ear to ear' She asks 'Sarina just called me up for the next England camp' I say excited 'wow congrats' she gives me a hug, I hug her back but she doesn't let lose 'Leah you sure you are okey?' Now I hear soft sobs shit, she is crying I am bad in this type of situations. I pull her up and sit her on the sink, with my tumbs I wipe the tears of her cheeks 'Leah, you can talk to me' I say looking in her beautiful eyes, even though they are full of water they are still beautiful. 'I- we.. I-' Leah starts 'Its okey, just take a deep breath' She takes a deep breath and says 'Me and Jordan just broke up and I don't know how to feel, I don't even know why i'm crying. We lost our spark a long time ago but it still hurts and now i dont know..' Leah flops out. Jordan, I know that name 'Jordan plays for Aston Villa right?' I ask trying to ignore the tension. 'Yeah, she moved there this year but before that she played here' Leah answers. It is silent for a couple of minutes, Leah is playing with her ring, my hands are on her thigh and our eyes are looking at each other. I want to kiss this girl bad but now is not the moment. Leah breaks the silence 'We should both head home, tomorrow is an important day' I nod and say 'Yes, we should but Leah I will take you home, you can't drive like this' She is tired and very emotional. We walk towards my car in comfortable silence, 'nice car' Leah says, i say 'thank you' while I open the door for Leah. I go to the driver side after putting our bags in the booth, Leah gives me her adress and I start driving, it is not far from me and Katies house.

When we arrive I see that Leah is fast asleep, I tap her shoulder and say her name but she doesn't wake up. I get out of the car, grab our bags and I lift Leah bridal style inside, she places her head in the crook of my neck, I feel her breath on my skin, it gives me goosebumps. I take off my shoes and carry Leah into her bedroom and lay her on the bed just as I was going to leave, she grabs my wrist and says with a sleepy voice 'please stay, I don't want to be alone tonight' I am amazed by what she just said 'I will be downstairs' she tightens her grip and says 'No, i mean here in bed with me' Why am i nervous? I have shared a bed with many women but this is different.. this is emotional? 'Alright, move over' I say and see a little grin appears on Leah her face. I lay on my back staring at the ceiling when Leah turns and lays her head on my chest and her arm on my stomach, without thinking I pull Leah closer and wrap my arm around her waist. What is this girl doing to me? She is different I can feel it, Fuck I feel something.

A/N: It was very hard to choose between England and Australia but it is the best for the storyline :) Hope you guys are not mad. First Leah x y/n cute moment 😊
Chelsea won with 0-6 from Aston Villa poor girls. OMG and Emma Hayes is going to leave Chelsea??!

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