Chapter nine: A swindler, beggar and a stall owner?

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Author note: heya fellas I think you might have been confused with NYX's powers and abrupt shift in storyline and very few scenes of the main character, Aria.

Let me explain how NYX s power works. Let me give you a reference to an old chandelier that's still good for a bit. It works just fine when it's supplied with enough electricity with all the bulbs working, but once the electric supply runs out ( let's say you use it for a period of time at full beam) it's starts to misbehave. The energy sparks, shape shifting and illusions( depending on how wide and strong the effects are) each consumes her strength so imagine how much worse it can be when she use both or all of them? According to the story now, we've figure out that she can regain her strength either by hibernation which makes her super hungry and irritated (she calls it sleeping in like a mummy, hehe ಠ⁠◡⁠ಠ).

Anyway I'm still working on my wordings and researching and learning so please do bear with me if I keep bringing weird terms.

Don't worry about Aria we'll soon move to her POV few chapters later.

(。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。) Enjoy!


We were still on the way out the market when a commotion at the front made the carriages in front of us to stop.

Apparently the first carriage far in front of us had collided with a donkey cart full of hay resulting with the whole content and cart tipping over.

Cormac turned to me and said before he got down the carriage to inspect.

" Stay in the carriage little Ginny. Let me go check if everything outside is okay."

Little Ginny? Okay.

" Alright brother." I nodded with my eyes still closed.

Cormac's face looked slightly gloomy and he opened his mouth to say something but decided against it.

He got out of the carriage with D'arcy lad.

I immediately got down from my carriage towards the crowd to see what was going on too.

I was using illusion on the two guards that were supposed to look after me so they couldn't see me.

I could see Ginny's brother and D'arcy lad up front with the guards of the Mori Noir mansion (I hadn't mentioned them before) and as chivalrous gentlemen they were, he and D'arcy lad still right next him had offered to help the injured cart ridder and control the situation at hand.

Will someone please tell me why this accident happened all of a sudden when we're going home?

Somewhere far behind me I spotted something parambulating around people who were avoiding it like a disgusting plague.

" Buy your own seventh blood grade Bone replenishing potion! It can help you with the toning and rejuvenation of your bone marrows! Found from one of the rarest creatures." A loud rather fluid and  confident male voice emitted from it's mouth.


I realized that it was a human being and infact a man that was looking like that. He looked like he needed a very good washing and feeding.

" The rare King's glaze hair regrowth serum that grows your hair twice the length of a woman's." He spoke waving a blackish liquid that looks like poop from his smallish cart to a man passing by who had almost lost all his hair due to balding.

" Oh really?" He seemed a little bit interested at the words. But when he looked at the poop looking liquid in the small jar the size of a thumb, his face scrunched up.

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