Manipulation is when they blame you for your reaction to their disrespect.

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Mischief has come online


Mischief: @Allycat


Allycat has come online

Allycat: ???

Mischief: HELP?!

Allycat: With what???

Mischief: ONI


Allycat: Otw back now!

Mischief: HURRY

Sourwolf, HotGirl, and 1 others have come online

Newbie: ???

Mischief: UR MMO SCRY

Mischief: SHIT

Newbie: What???

Mischief has gone offline

"We will take over?" Void snarls, leaping of Stiles's shoulders and bouncing off an Oni with a loud screech.

"Fine!" Stiles ducks under a samurai sword and pocketing his phone, "Do whatever you want!"

Stiles blinked, feeling himself lose control of his body. His first thought is that oh, this is different. He curls around his own body's shoulders, growling low in his chest.

"Stiles?" dad calls from where he's failing to shoot the Oni attacking him.

"No." Void replies, voice unnervingly calm. Stiles peers around the side of his own head to see Void's blank face.

No, almost blank face. There's the tiniest of smirks curling at their lips as they lurch forward, one hand landing on the Oni's shoulder and the other digging deep into its chest. The demon makes a horrible, screeching warbling sound and compresses into a ball of glowing yellow-green light. Void's lip curls and it snarls at the thing in their hand, crushing it with a quiet crunch.

They drop the corpse of a firefly on the ground, then turn toward the second Oni in the room, only to find empty space. Stiles's dad, on the other hand, is definitely still there. He's looking at them with poorly masked concern and fear.

"We will not hurt you." Void soothes(?), "We are protecting us."

Stiles wishes his dad could see him, or hear him, so he could translate the stupid Nogitsune's plural terminology. Confusion joins his dads expression, but he nods slowly.

"We must go."

"Yeah, that's– good idea," he breathes, "Let's go."

Void nodded, leading the way into the halls. It peered left and right, smirk gone from their face. Stiles looked in the directions their body wasn't, and chittered when it was all clear. He could feel Void's eyeroll more than he could see it.

He barked at his bodymate, who snarled at him in response.

"All good?" Dad whispered.

"Yes. We are being annoying."

Stiles growled.

"Sounds about right." Dad quips, getting a bark in response that he can't hear, "Any more demons?"

"Get back."


"Back in the room." Void turns on his dad, pushing him back and slamming the door between them. Stiles turned as the elevator doors opened, feeling his ears twitch at the ding.

a Fox is a Wolf who brings FlowersWhere stories live. Discover now