The conversation unfolded, discussions about social media, public appearances, and managing the intrusive nature of fame. It was a negotiation, each of us expressing our concerns and aspirations for a relationship that could thrive both privately and publicly.

"We need to be a team in this, Taylor. Together," Travis said, his tone earnest.

A surge of determination filled me. "I'm in, Travis. I want us to figure this out."

"I know baby," He said leaning over and kissing my head. "Are you going to come to the game?" He asked leaning away from me

I nodded, a small smile forming. "Yeah, I want to be there. Just... need a little time to freshen up and prepare."

Travis grinned, his eyes lighting up. "I need to go, but I will get Aric to come get you."

I had met Aric before, he was travis's best friend and he was normally in the suite during the games.

"Hey swift," He said unlocking his car doors,

"Hey jones," i laughed mocking the way he used my last name,

The stadium was bustling with energy when I arrived. The cheers and anticipation were contagious, the excitement palpable in the air. Travis spotted me from a distance, and a wide grin spread across his face as he waved me over.

"Hey, you made it!" he exclaimed, pulling me into a hug.

I laughed, feeling a rush of joy. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

I walked up to the box with Aric. The game was intense, the cheers echoing around us. Despite the chaos of the stadium, being there with Travis felt grounding. It was a reminder of the simple moments we could share amidst the chaotic world we inhabited.

Throughout the game, we were lost in the camaraderie, cheering and bantering like any other couple in the stands. There was a sense of ease between us, a silent understanding that we were working on something special.

As the match concluded, we joined the throngs of excited fans exiting the stadium. Travis's hand found mine in the crowd, a subtle yet reassuring gesture that spoke volumes.

Travis's arms felt like home, a place where I could finally exhale all the pent-up emotions. His embrace was reassuring, a familiar warmth that enveloped me in comfort.

Aric's offer lingered in the background, a faint echo in the corridor. I glanced at Travis, seeking his reassurance. His nod conveyed an unspoken understanding, and Aric disappeared down the hall, leaving us in a space filled with silence and a cacophony of unspoken words.

The hallway seemed to stretch into eternity, the dim lighting casting soft shadows around us. Travis held me close, his touch a soothing balm to my weary soul. Time seemed to stand still as I found solace in the haven of his arms.

"Are you okay?" Travis murmured, his voice soft against my ear, his breath tickling my skin.

"Yeah," I replied softly, my voice betraying the turmoil within. "I just needed this."

His grip tightened ever so slightly, offering silent support as I leaned into him, letting the emotions settle. We stood there for what felt like both seconds and hours, lost in our own world, sheltered within the cocoon of our embrace.

Eventually, Travis pulled away slightly, but his hands remained on my shoulders, his gaze searching mine. There was a depth in his eyes, a silent understanding of the unspoken conversation between us.

"I'll take you back," he offered gently, his voice tinged with concern.

The walk to his car felt almost surreal, the echoes of our footsteps mingling with the silence. The drive was quiet, filled with the unspoken weight of our recent conversation and the tentative hope of what lay ahead.

As we arrived at the hotel, Travis parked the car. The air between us crackled with a blend of emotions—vulnerability, hope, and the silent promise of a shared journey.

"Thank you for today," I said, breaking the quietness.

"Anytime, Tay," he replied, his gaze lingering on me.

The hotel lobby seemed almost too quiet as I stepped out of the car, Travis walking me to the entrance. We stood there, a pause between us, laden with unsaid words and uncharted territories.

"Goodnight, Tay," Travis said softly, his voice carrying a mix of warmth and uncertainty.

"Goodnight, Trav," I replied, a faint smile playing on my lips.

Turning away, I made my way to the elevator, feeling the weight of the day's events settling on my shoulders.

The elevator doors chimed closed behind me, but a sudden impulse overtook me, propelling me into action. I dashed out of the elevator, my steps quickening as I hurried across the lobby toward the hotel entrance.

"Trav, wait!" I called out, spotting him just as he was about to get into his car. My heart raced, my breaths coming in short gasps as I reached him, feeling a sudden surge of uncertainty.

He turned to face me, a mixture of surprise and concern flashing across his features. "Can I come home with you?" The words spilled out in a rush, the urgency in my voice echoing my inner turmoil.

Travis's expression softened, his eyes meeting mine with a gentle understanding. "Of course, you're always welcome," he replied, a reassuring smile touching his lips.

Relief washed over me as I stepped closer to the car, my heart steadying at the prospect of being in familiar company. Travis opened the passenger door, and I slid into the seat, the warmth of his presence calming the whirlwind of emotions within me.

The engine hummed to life as Travis started the car, the faint sound filling the quiet space between us. As we drove, the city lights blurred into streaks of color, the familiar route to his home passing by in a comforting haze.

The car eased into the driveway of Travis's house, the engine purring to a stop. Stepping out, I took in the familiar surroundings, the tranquility of the neighborhood settling around us like a comforting embrace.

He fumbled with the door handle, glancing back at me before I could step inside. "Wait a second, I want to tell you something," Travis's voice held an unexpected gravity, instantly seizing my attention.

My thoughts raced, weaving through a labyrinth of possibilities, the anticipation tugging at my nerves. "Taylor, I love you." His words hung in the air, wrapping around me like a warm embrace, and for a moment, everything else faded into the background.

I stood there, speechless, my mind caught in a whirlwind of emotions. It was a declaration I'd longed to hear, but now that it had been spoken, I felt frozen in disbelief.

"Trav..." My voice trailed off, lost in the torrent of thoughts swirling within me. His words echoed in my mind, each syllable carrying an overwhelming weight of sincerity and vulnerability.

I loved him too, with a depth that I hadn't dared to vocalize. Yet, as his confession lingered between us, I found myself at a loss for words.

"Are you okay?" Travis's concern was palpable as he peered at me, his eyes filled with a mixture of hope and apprehension. His vulnerability mirrored my own, and the air hummed with unspoken sentiments.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to collect my thoughts, the weight of his admission sinking in. "I... I don't know what to say." The words tumbled out in a whisper, each syllable heavy with the intensity of my emotions.

The silence stretched between us, a poignant symphony of unspoken feelings hanging in the air. I took a step closer, a surge of conflicting emotions clouding my mind as I grappled with the enormity of his confession.

call it what you want | Taylor Swift X Travis KelceWhere stories live. Discover now