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"The fact that the speakers worked earlier means that there's someone at the management office," You told Hyun-su. "So we stick with the plan and head to the first floor."

"Got it. I'll get packing then," Hyun-su said.

You nodded and left him to do his packing. You sighed and went towards the window, taking a look outside. You looked down and noticed a man hanging outside a window by a rope.

"Dad, don't go. It's too dangerous," A young girl said.

"Don't cry, Su-yeong. You're in charge now, take good care of Yeong-su while I'm away, all right?" The dad asked.


"Don't cry, Su-yeong. Monsters might come if they hear us. Shh!"

Just then, you noticed something moving out of the corner of your eyes. Your eyes widened, seeing a large eyeball monster closing in on him.

"Hey, look out!" You exclaimed.

The dad looked to his side and wobbled when he noticed the monster next to him. His grip on the rope loosened and before you knew it, the father was falling down twelve floors to his death.

"Go away! Help! Help us!"

You took out your gun, aiming it at its eyeball. You pressed on the trigger and the bullet went flying into its eye. With your silencer, the gunshot didn't ring out loud, so no monsters would suddenly be attracted.

The monster's eye closed shut in pain from the bullet before it turned around, revealing another eye. In an instant, the monster slithered up into Hyun-su's apartment and lunged in at you.

You dodged its attack, grabbing your makeshift spear in the chaos and pushed it into the other eye. Now blind, you switched to your gun and aimed at its neck sticking through the window.

You fired away and the head dropped off onto the floor while its neck slithered back from where it came. You sighed in relief, dropping on the ground from shock. You didn't know how you managed to survive your first close monster attack, but thank fuck your dad taught you some skills.

"Y/N!" Hyun-su called your name and rushed towards you. "Are you okay?"

"Peachy," You answered, breathing heavily. "The kids."

You got back up with Hyun-su's help and looked outside the window. The kids were nowhere in sight, but you saw someone else. It was a middle-aged man, sitting on the ledge of his window with a... crutch?

Before you could speak, the man hushed you by putting a finger to his lips. He disappeared for a second before reappearing with an A3 notebook.

They might come if they hear anything. Those things don't die.

He suddenly gestured towards the ground, and you and Hyun-su looked down. To your horror, the father from earlier got up but without his head attached. He walked away, causing his kids to shout after him.

"Dad! Dad! Come back! Dad!"

You and Hyun-su looked back at the man and saw a new message on it.

❛ 𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐃 ❜ ━━━ (𝗰. 𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗻-𝘀𝘂)Where stories live. Discover now