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You, Hyun-su, and Sang-wook went up another level after the mini incident with the monster. You glanced back at Hyun-su, noting that his eyes were still pitch-black even after calming down.

"Hey," He suddenly called to you and Sang-wook.

You both stopped in your tracks and looked at him. You could hear Hyun-su breathing heavily as a smirk laid on his face. He turned towards the door of the level, "I think... there's a monster inside. Let's go and kill it. We can destroy it right now."

Hyun-su moved to pull open the door. He was about to enter before he looked back at you and Sang-wook, "You're both scared, aren't you?"

"Hyun-su, wait-"

Before you could stop Hyun-su, Sang-wook intervened and pulled him back by his collar. He landed a punch to Hyun-su's gut almost instantly, causing the latter to double over in pain.

However, the door suddenly creaked open behind Sang-wook, revealing flames of inferno raging on the level. He turned around, grasping the situation of the level when suddenly, a hand reached out to his head and pulled him inside without warning.

"Sang-wook!" You yelled and chased after him.

You covered your mouth and nose with your sleeves as you tried to navigate through the smoky hallways. You looked around, seeing bodies and debris, but no Sang-wook. 

"Y/N, get down!"

Without warning, you were suddenly lunged onto the ground as Hyun-su protected you. You didn't know what was happening but you felt a sudden gush of wind blowing through as your hair kicked up along with Hyun-su's.

You heard a loud explosion afterwards, closing your eyes by instinct. Hyun-su looked up and noticed something staring at the both of you. You followed his line of sight and spotted another monster, waiting to catch the both of you. You could see a faint outline of something red on its chest.

"Get up. We have to get up," You whispered, trying to get back on your feet in a hurry to fend off against the monsters.

Before you knew it, the monster was sprinting towards you and Hyun-su. You readied your spear to attack when suddenly, you heard the sound of an arrow being released and the monster was suddenly changing paths, moving past you and Hyun-su.

You looked back forward and noticed a woman standing with a crossbow. You didn't realise but your body was unintentionally shaking as you tried to grasp what the heck just happened. Hyun-su looked down at you and grabbed your hand, squeezing it to bring you back to him.

"Who... Who are you?" You called.

Hearing your voice, the woman warily aimed her crossbow at you and Hyun-su. Hyun-su quickly came to your rescue as he raised his hands in surrender, "We don't want any trouble."

The woman looked at the middle-aged man next to her, as if waiting for some signal. Meanwhile, you looked to the side and spotted Sang-wook lying unconscious with the Reach Monster not far from him.


The woman looked at Sang-wook and moved towards him. She reached her hand out to his face to see if he was still breathing. She looked back at the man and said, "He's still alive."

"The monster... left him alive?" He asked.

You didn't know what he meant by that until you noticed the open doors next to the monster. You looked inside and spotted dozens of dead people piled up.

"What's going on?" She asked and looked at you and Hyun-su.

"We need to get to a safe area first," You told her.

❛ 𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐃 ❜ ━━━ (𝗰. 𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗻-𝘀𝘂)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora