30 Orchid Orchard

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Harvel's vanilla plantations were under lock down. The rotting disease wilting leaves and flower buds alike needed to be treated before the entire year's crop failed. Fortunately it was only the eastern two orchards where the fungus took hold. The other eight farms were in excellent shape and pollination was in full swing.

Ulrich hung up with the chemical warehouse, satisfied with the pricing on the agents he would need to eradicate the plague. The crop was worth its weight in gold, but get a reputation for delivering bad beans, and the result would be disastrous. The last thing they needed was a Board ordered cull of his entire orchard.

"Hey, Boss!" Leon Huang stood in his office door. His overseer dressed in pure white clean room clothes.

"Tell me the propagation house is clear."

"Clean as a whistle. The hepa filters are all that remains. Washed the whole place down with bleach solution, and we'll need to let it clear of fumes for the next week or so, but we can begin seeding the new vanilla replacements on time. We'll do a triple set this time."

"Do you figure that will cover the projected losses?"

"If we have to kill off both plantations, no. But with the spraying program in the works, it should be sufficient."

"Oh, just to be sure, we'll be tossing the filters. I know we just did them a few weeks ago, but since we're on the same farm as the blight, I want fresh. Let the fans run twenty-four seven while the chlorine is sucked out. The new ones arrive in five days."

Ulrich ran his hand over his shiny tanned head. Pushing his chair away from his massive antique oak roll top, he picked his broad-brimmed Tilly off the three-legged coat rack standing in the corner between two windows.

"I'll join you over in Green House C. Let's see how our special project is going. The vanda's should be ready for shipping shortly."

Leon's broad smile matched his as they hurried across the compound. In the fickle world of commercial flower-growing, they struck gold. Orders for the long, delicate fronds of sweetly scented blooms were consistent, and growing. It never hurt to have a backup. Vanilla might be the dominant crop in Madagascar, but there were places where the distant cousin to the rich aromatic grew with equal abundance.

"We have managed a deep red variant. The seeds are proving to be true with a minor percentage of pinks and greens sprinkled in. But the reds, my man, your daughter's marketing plan, for weddings and engagements? Brilliant. We'll be able to set our price." His vice president and best friend kicked his heels together.

Leon flipped the hood up on his uniform, as they came out from under the tree canopy to cross the road between two of the three parked shipping trucks. His deep brown brush cut disappeared, and his blue eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"I'm thinking we'll try a couple more tables of pseudo bulb species. Let Ella choose the specific color. I'm thinking power orange. Let's make it the gift of choice for graduations, celebrations. Her Tik-Tok campaigns targeting the question of, what do you get the successful alpha male in your life, is beginning to show results."

They pushed their way through the double door isolation system into a cool shaded space.

"Arrgh, I like humid, but this is insane." Water misted from nozzles at the peak of the ceiling as Ulrich inhaled. The scent never failed to soothe his nerves. Pushing for a share of the dominant rose market for romance and congratulatory bouquets, was risky. Ella's project was turning into a whole new profit source. She came home from horticulture school and badgered him until he gave in.

"Hmmm, you know, you could surprise Ella with her own vice presidency," Leon suggested.

"It's her birthday tomorrow," Ulrich said. "I've already had IT set up a new database for records," he whispered as he saw his lithe daughter up on a ladder inspecting the driftwood branches anchoring a cascade of burgundy red vanda orchids.

"It might take the sting out of her broken engagement. Good thing accounting caught the discrepancies in Olon's budgets." Leon hissed the words.

"Are you letting these go to seed?" Ulrich asked.

"Papa!" Ella backed down the ladder and threw her arms around him. Excitement bubbled from her like a a fountain from a champagne magnum.

"It's good to see a smile, child." Ulrich's heartache for his daughter eased. Olon was escorted off the property in handcuffs over six months ago.

"It's the orchids. They bring love and life back to me. This time I'll wait for friendship first. The flowers have taught me patience. Love will bloom in its own season."

Ulrich missed the quiet smile Leon wore. But he turned to study his right-hand man closely. Was his daughter finally on the right track?

"Your birthday party is set for tomorrow. The ball starts after the gala dinner for our VIP's. The foundation is Erick's baby. Did you get the flowers ready?" Leon asked.

"In the walk-in coolers, Uncle Leon. Tell him he doesn't need to worry. They'll be the centerfold of Madagascar Orchid Growers Association's newsletter. I swear he'll die wringing his hands."

Ulrich sighed. Things were back to normal. He met Leon's blue gaze as Ella scampered up the next ladder. His friend nodded. They were on the same page. Their children might finally see what they both knew.

Love and loyalty like the two of them kept alive from the time they first saw each other as babies, would win the day. Sometimes the lifetime friend was your unnoticed destiny. 

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