13 Jungle Beat

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My mouth was fuzzy, cotton mouth, and I rolled over to reach for the water bottle I kept on the nightstand. My arm dropped into a thorny bush, and it tore long scratches of pain into me. Opening my eyes, I stared up into inky nothingness.

You're not in Kansas anymore. Holy hell, what the fuck happened? I know I went to sleep in the cozy cabin I rented, but this wasn't the soft mattress with the feather light duvet I rolled into to watch the full moon glowing through the window.

I sucked my cheeks in, working my saliva glands and my mouth felt better after a couple of minutes. My eyes jerked from side to side, searching for a light source, and I heard the wind rustling through leaves and branches around me.

How? Who did this? I damn well know I don't sleepwalk.

I caught a glimmer of stars as my eyes adjusted. Then I lifted my arm out of the bush beside me, and cautiously felt around with both hands snaking through what felt like dead leaves. The musty odor reminded me of the dense rainforest of home. Only the one bush beside me with thorns. I rolled the other way and pushed up onto my knees.

Shit, I'm dizzy.

The world spun behind my closed eyelids, and I waited for things to settle. I knew the lore. The jungle at the top of the hill behind the hotel is off limits. No one goes there. Ever.

I pushed back and sat down cross-legged. Exploring my head, I found an egg sized bump on the back of it. Bringing my fingers to my nose, I realized I must still be oozing blood. The metallic scent was a dead give away.

My ears gave me another clue, drums. Faint, soft, and steady, the beat matched my heart rate. My brain flickered toward a memory.

I've heard this before. I know, right before my head exploded. Someone kidnapped me.

The drums throbbed. More than one of them building complex rhythms. Who was living up here? The sound was hypnotic. I found myself swaying with the swell and ebb of the volume. It spoke to something deep in my soul.

I swatted at the mosquito biting my cheek, and the half-moon winked between the treetops. I pushed myself up to my feet.

I wonder why they didn't tie me up. They hit me over my head, but left me in the middle of the jungle, but left me with a choice. Do I follow the intriguing call of the drums, or try to find my way down hill and back home?

I had to find the people who did this to me. I had no idea how long it was since I woke up, but my eyes were fully adjusted to the dark now. I noticed I was on a hill. Up was the only choice. I had to find them.


The tribe elder motioned to the drummers and silence descended. The chief's daughter turned toward the path from the village, her eyes glowing in anticipation.

"Here he comes. I've watched him for many months. He lives alone, he doesn't leave his house often. He keeps himself healthy with machines. He will do well here, I believe," the chief said.

He waved at the musicians. The visceral beat picked up tempo and the pan flutes began to weave a haunting melody. The call to mate pulsed through the gathering as it parted to welcome their visitor.


I feel a pull like nothing else I know. I cannot ignore it. My gut is tense, my manhood stirs.

I paused to adjust myself, realizing I was dressed in silk boxers, and an oversized cotton t-shirt. Nightwear, what I slept in for comfort. The tent preceding me, was embarrassing, and my face was flushed. I knew it and I couldn't have cared less.

The hollow tones of a several pan flutes spoke of love and loss. And really what did I have to lose? Nothing. I don't think my boss would even think to check on me. Just another cog in the machine that doesn't get paid if his quota of assigned code doesn't turn up at the end of the week.

The ache in my groin was painful, as the drums hurried my steps toward my destiny. I don't know how I knew, but I was exactly where I should be. My life was about to change and make sense of the lonely existence I endured. The path emerged from the jungle. Every soul in the crowd stomped their feet in time with the overwhelming need I felt.

From the other side of the bonfire, she emerged. Polished copper skin, hip length black curls, her eyes glowing ebony coals boring into mine. I knew I was hers, and her seductive stride moved with the same instinctive truth which hit me.


Nothing else existed.

The rhythm of pounding sound and the haunted tones of music pulled us together. Not a word spoken between us, I held out my hand, and folded hers into it.

"I am Maya, princess of the tribe."

"I am Jurro, your mate. Yours as you are mine," I responded.

I don't know where the words came from. I shed a skin that didn't belong to me. I am home, never to leave again.

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