24 Blind Date

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I sat nursing a Perrier with a lime twist. As usual I arrived thirty minutes early to scout out the restaurant and assess the staff flow. I couldn't help it as I run my own establishment in the Hilton downtown.

Now I was reaching the end of the grace period for a date to arrive. He was already ten minutes into it, and no message or call. Not looking good for this night at all.

The manager and the hostess wove through packed tables toward the door, and I watched their progress. Must be a VIP arriving. I knew the symptoms. Like magic a drink, a Manhattan, appeared at the place setting opposite to me. Okay, my date was finally, here. I wonder what his excuse is?

"Ah, it's a good thing for you, you're still here. I ghost anyone who isn't patient enough to wait a few minutes."

"Really?" My question dripped sarcasm.

He was impeccably dressed. Silk shirt, silk tie and his suit color coordinated to emphasize his blond hair. Unruly locks tumbled over his forehead and curled over his collar. His eyes were dark blue, almost black. But I'm always skeptical about eye color, and I detected the shadow of his contact lenses instantly. He shrugged out of a luxurious deep brown leather trench coat,

"Of course, my time is valuable, and work will always be more important than a blind date." His tone was totally bland, like he wasn't insulting me to the max.

"I see. And my time isn't worth a rusted penny then?" My words were clipped and dipped in ice water.

"I expect anyone to understand. What's your problem?"

I bit my lips. Do I string him along to get a free meal? Or do I put an end to this farce right now?

The hostess arrived and held out her hands. He threw his outerwear at her. Gloves fell out of a pocket and his turquoise blue cashmere scarf fluttered to the floor.

"We'll have the sirloin for two, rare to blue please. Why isn't the caviar appetizer here? Do you expect my guest to wait without something to nibble on?"

"You're usual isn't available today, Mr. Bellington." She bent to retrieve his belongings.

He shook his head. "Then use the sense God gave you and ask her to order her choice. I was delayed. You should have made her comfortable and explained. How long have you been working here? I know you know better. What's with you tonight."

Hmmm.... He really is a regular, to the point of having certain arrangements he expects to be carried out. And it's like he's got two sides to him. The way he's dressing her down, he did care about my time. Why the rude question to me then? People management is important when you run a high class dining room, and I kicked into work mode. I wonder how she's going to calm him down.

"My mistake sir. Time slipped my mind. We've had a rush. The theater next door cancelled. Their lead actress fell and broke her leg."

He sighed. "I'm sorry Anna. I shouldn't be taking my foul mood out on you. I didn't even ask Ms. Howell if I should order for us." He took a long sip of his drink before he continued. "Lawyers are a royal pain. Can't even breathe without them worrying."

"Is that an apology?" I wasn't ready to accept a half-assed attempt like that.

"Not much of one, is it?" His smile was tentative. More like a boy trying to appease his mother, than a grown man dealing with his bad decisions.

"No, but I sense a bad day. I'll be generous. I've had them too. We all do."

I think I'm going to give him a chance.

"Thank you." His eyes met mine and held them for a few seconds. "Do you think we can start over?"

I nodded. "You're lucky. I happen to adore the sirloin for two. Anything more done than rare is a sin. So we have some common ground. My name is Irene. You can't be Stephano Bellington, can you??"

"One and the same. And you've seen my legendary temper. I really am sorry."

This time I could see he meant it. A dimple winked in his right cheek as a proper smile blossomed across his face.

"Apology accepted. So, what put you in such a temper?"

Maybe, just maybe, we had a chance.  

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