"No Miss." He said, turning back to me and shaking his head. "She didn't seem upset of anything. She said something about a 'meeting' as she hurried off, I think."

A meeting? Had the Pernians gotten back to us already, maybe? It seemed awfully soon. Well, only way to know was to go and find out.

As a group we hurried back to the estate. I thanked the boy, and told him to go get something to drink at the cafeteria. Goblane were not prone to having as much stamina as their hobgoblin brothers, so it must have been hard for him to have run all the way to the village to deliver his message.

We found Tera in the conference room, once again. She wasn't alone either. Reihekiu was there as well as another being I had never expected to see, though I had been told that they lived on my lands: A harpy!

She was tall and beautiful, with long chocolate brown hair wrapped in a braid that hung below her waist. she had feathers on her head, but I could not tell if they were natural or just a head- piece she wore. She had stunning, bird like eyes and a small nose, her skin almost milky white. And though she was nearly seven feet tall and lanky, she did have fairly large breasts. From her back sprouted two of the most gorgeous wings of brown, white, and black feathers, and her feet were not feet at all. Instead her slender legs, wrapped in leather straps, ended in two taloned raptor claws, the skin a yellowish brown color.

"Ah, you all made it!" Sighed Tera, where she stood between the very tall harpy and the caramel skinned Reihekiu. "Everyone, This is whisper." Tera then introduces us all to Whisper, starting with me and ending with Nord. "Whisper is here to deliver a message, Lady Enna."

"Nice to meet you, Whisper." I said, with a smile. I was more than glad to meet another resident of this nation, especially from a race I had yet to interact with, but I was a little worried as to why she was here.

"I am honored to meet you as well, Lady Enna." She said in a sort of hollow, echo-y voice that reminded me of the sounds you could make when blowing into empty glass soda bottles. She gave me a slight bow, with a small smile. 

The three woman didn't seem agitated nor in any kind of hurry, so maybe this was not bad news after all? That would make for a pleasant change of pace.

"I am here to deliver you a message, Lady Enna." Whisper stated, once everyone had finished their greetings. Straight to the point. I could appreciate that. "We have been informed that you showed interest in acquainting yourself with the other clans."

"Yes! I very much am interested." I said, truthfully, getting excited.

"Well, there has been a summit called, for the major clans to meet and discuss important topics. Though, I do not think a god has ever attended before, I was informed that you may like to participate."

"There hasn't been one of these since I was a young Lad..." Said Nord, thoughtfully. "Though, given all the recent changes to the land, I am not surprised to here it."

"Margund will be in attendance as well." Lagdon informed me.

"Yes." Said Whisper, nodding. "I went to the goblin kingdom first, and he has confirmed that he will also take part, personally."

"Would he not normally?" I asked. It seemed like a pretty important meeting to just skip out on.

"Some leaders just send a representative." Said Brax.

"My father would not have gone himself." Added Lagdon. "He would have seen such a thing beneath him."

Not to mention, getting his bulbus back side there, on that chair of his, would have been a chore and a half.

"Well, I would very much like to attend." I said happily. "Is there anything of import I need to be made aware of?"

"None would dare call you rude or the like, Lady Enna." The harpy said, brows furrowed.

But, Lagdon, knowing me best, just sighed. "Normally an attendee is permitted two guards during the actual meeting, though most tend to bring several for the actual journey. The summit meets for five hours each day, and last until everyone has addressed everything they wished to discuss. If I remember correctly, the longest meeting lasted a week and a half. Though, the summit is not called often, so sometimes the material tends to pile up."

Nord had said that the last one was when he had been young, so this one may very well take as long to.

"I take it, this meeting will be held at Talon's Pass again?" Brax asked, fingering his pipe that I knew he had stashed in her robe.

Whisper nodded. "Yes, it is still the best place."

"Talon's Pass?" I asked.

"It is the only, easy, route to the other side of the mountains." Explained Lagdon. "Any other path would mean going over them rather that through."

"It has long since been the home of we harpies." Said Whisper. "Even before Aeros came to these lands. It is a steep, rocky valley, where we have carved out our homes. It is both the best place to get though the mountain, as well as fairly central to the country too."

I nodded. It sounded like a pretty important place then.

"When will this summit take place?" I asked, already making plans in my head.

"In three weeks time, Lady Enna." Replied Whisper.

"It is not common to have it in the dead of winter, for obvious reasons..." Observed Nord slowly.

That did seem problematic. Sure, the winter here didn't seem too bad, but it was still much harder to travel in than the other seasons, what with the cold and the lack of resources along the way.

Whisper nodded. "Yes, but due to many recent events, it has been conveyed as an emergency."

Confused, I asked, "What events?"

This time everyone looked at me like I was the ridiculous one. What did I say?

"Well, your existence for one." Laughed Reihekiu. "Not to mention, I am willing to bet that that little stunt you pulled, allowing the old gods to return to their old haunts, will come up too."

"Lets not forget all the changes the nation has been going though." Tera added with a chuckle.

Alright, alright! I got it already, this was all my doing. Gosh! Well, all the more reason to attend myself then. If anyone had issues, I would like to hear them up front, and I could get a clearer idea about what the races who lived farther away needed, and how best to use my influence over the land to aid them.

I do believe that this is going to be a very fruitful adventure!

Enna is a Land God: Book 3Where stories live. Discover now