All I wanted was a normal life. Going out without the paparazzi nipping at my heels, hanging out with friends like any normal 22 year old.

Instead, I'm trapped in this gilded cage.

Half an hour later I was ready, just as my mother wanted me to be.

Without making any further effort, I grabbed my handbag and my phone and went downstairs where Junseo was already waiting for me.

I stood at the top of the stairs and saw him still talking to my father.

I couldn't stand Junseo. love with himself...the worst part of the whole thing....

I had to get engaged to him. A kind of contract signing by my father's investor.

I took a deep breath and put myself in the devil's clutches.

I felt like trapped, exploited and not loved.


"Wow!" Junseo said when he saw me. "Mr. Kim, your daughter looks beautiful once again!"

I rolled my eyes and sighed softly as I walked down the stairs to the hall. Oh..not to the hell.

And then there was this sudden thought...

What if I just let myself fall down the steps?

A broken arm? A broken leg or be freed and never wake up again?

This thought made me feel happy for just a few seconds....

But it was too late... I was already on the last step before I could put my thought into action.

"She got that from her mother!" my father smiled and patted him on his shoulder.

"Can we?" I said to Junseo, still annoyed and stressed. "I just want to get this over with!"

"Y/n!" he held out his arm to hook.

"Do we have to do that?" I asked him.

"Paparazzis Princess!" he replied " Outside and everywhere!" he winked at me.

"See you both at the event. I hope our new team doesn't disappoint me!" said my father and left.

I hooked with a sigh to Junseo's arm.
"Don't even think about it Junseo!"
I whispered as he leaned in to press his wet lips to my cheek.

"You know I don't like being called by my real name!" he whispered.

I turned towards him. "Oh...I forgot...James!"

Junseo just grinned and winked . "Let's go!"

The door opened and as soon as we took the first step outside, I heard the countless sounds of the paparazzi cameras.

The flurry of flashes made me go blind for a few minutes every time.

I sat down in Junseo's car and held my hands in front of my face.

"Put your hands down princess...that looks unprofessional!"

I hated him, all the paparazzi as well....

"Drive off." I told him and left my hands where they were.

Junseo started the car from zero to one hundred so that I could hear the gravel of the driveway under the wheels.

It only took ten minutes to get to the event location.

I looked out of the window at the houses rushing past and imagined how people lived there.

Were they happy? Happier than me?

Sometimes I imagined what it would be like to live in one of those apartments!

"What's wrong with you Y/n? Are you having another one of your mental fits?" Junseo brought me out of my thoughts.

I took a deep breath..." What do you know about my mental state?"

"You're my fiancée, I have to worry about you!" that stupid grin on his face.

"We're only engaged in public, not in real life."

"Okay, listen y/n... just for tonight, just play along. You know I'm the best on the team and I don't want to read any headlines about me, so behave and do what your father told you to do."

"Wow. That was clear and concise.  I'm amazed at how everyone cares about me!" I stammered and slid deeper into the passenger seat.

"You can't choose your life. You have to take what you get!" said Junseo.

We arrived at the location and Junseo parked his car. The flurry of camera flashes was even more intense than before.

Junseo leaned towards me.
"Whether you like it or not Princess, you have to play along. " he leaned further towards me and pressed his rough lips to mine.

I pushed him away after a few seconds and looked at him in disgust.

"Good girl!" he lightly nudged the tip of my nose and got out.

Junseo came around the car, opened the passenger door and held his hand out to me.

Sighing, I put mine in his and got out. Behave yourself Y/n, smile Y/n.

Junseo kissed my temple " One day you will have to love me princess. There's no way around!" he whispered and smiled...just for the cameras...





We squeezed past the paparazzi and into the huge mansion that my father had booked for the event.

As soon as we were inside and none of the tabloids were around, I pulled my hand out of Junseo's.

"I need a minute ... !" I told him and walked straight to the back door into the huge backyard.

I closed my eyes and breathed in and out. In and out....In and out...Until my eyes filled with tears.

When I opened my eyes I saw this pool in front of me. Filled with water and a small layer of ice on top, hinting at winter.

I went to the edge of the pool and I didn't hesitate for long....

....and I jumped in....

The cold water of the pool enveloped my body like a pair of pliers.

It was so cold, freezing cold, but after a few seconds I felt a pleasant warmth.

I felt my high heels slip off my feet and I slowly sank deeper to the bottom of the pool.

I opened my eyes...

...and felt that my breathing became shallower...I didn't panic...
I wanted to feel my lungs fill with water...
I wanted it so much.

Then I looked up. Saw the night sky, the stars twinkling through the water....

The silence down  extremely beautiful...I wanted this silence forever...Only the rushing of the water sounded like music to my ears.

Until I saw this hand coming towards me...

and grabbed after me... pulled me upwards...

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