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[Sorry i forgot to upload this one]

Prometheus was silent. He had been since I’d lost my eye.

I’d done everything. I tried praying, astral projecting, and I even thought about stabbing my other eye out.

Nothing worked. He was silent. though his presence still lingered with me. I felt heavy grief and pain everytime I took a breath.

I was utterly depressed.

It did wonders for my attitude. Since I couldn’t cry, all I did was get angry. I screamed at whoever came into my room, broke shit, and I’d been grinding my teeth together (which made my jaw really sore).

Basically, I wasn’t doing well. My mind was a mess. I felt so angry at my friends and I couldn’t really pin down why. I was just in pain and so fucking depressed. It was the shittiest excuse ever. I tried to stay away from them to stop any unnecessary fights or arguments.

There was Leo, too. God, looking at his face just made my blood boil. But it was the strangest thing. I felt so different now. I hated him, really. But I’d suddenly gotten this weird feeling in my stomach when I looked at him. Anxiety? Impending doom? Butterflies? I didn’t like it.

So no friends, no boyfriend, and no Prometheus. I felt so alone, even though it was my fault. What was wrong with me?

I wanted to cry. But honestly, there was no use. I could maybe get my eyes to water, have a little extra wetness in my waterline, but that was as far as I got. I couldn’t cry.

Not after Prometheus.
Not after my eye.
Not after Leo.
Not after Jason.
Not after my dad.

Not after my mom.

I swallowed my bile and sat up in my bed. I’d been able to push the memory away for a while, but being alone just made my thoughts run and jumble beyond comprehension.

I rocked back and forth, squeezing my eye shut as I tried to shove the vivid memory away. I muttered a string of words under my breath- whatever felt appropriate at the time.

The memory kept bobbing at the surface of my thoughts as I unsuccessfully tried to ignore it. There was just no ridding of the thought, no matter how I tried to move on.

How selfish, right? Trying to move on after murdering my own mother. God, how did I even manage to convince myself I was innocent just years ago?

The only way to shove the thoughts down was to distract myself- to interact with my friends.

I guess the storm was luck on my side for once.

When I first caught the disturbance, I struggled out of bed. I forced my vomit back down as I stumbled through the ship. Meanwhile, in sickbay, Hazel kept hurling away. Nico and Frank kept her company, which I found a little weird.

I’d intentionally forgotten my pants. There was no way I was going to ever wear anything with pockets again. That cursed pen… I got chills thinking about it. I’d never pick it up again.

I didn’t care who the enemy was or why we were being attacked. I went straight in. The storm was a pretty cool powerup. It managed to finally fix up my constant leaking eye to a sensitive gummy flesh.

As for the waterbending? I wasn’t too keen on it since it didn’t work against most enemies, but I was still trained. Well, I trained myself, but who cares about details? Avatar: The Last Airbender was cool, okay?

Even so, the storm still boosted my powers. How I was fighting water with water was a mystery to me, but I tended not to care about technicalities. I mean, I took out a whole sea goddess and now I was onto the next one and destroying her army first.

Halcyon [Leo Valdez x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now