"I'm sending a message to his parents to come assist us!!!" Zach yelled.

Tears start to fill Nixxie's eyes as she isn't sure if Kanes gonna make it.

"Nixxie cover his wound with your bandana from your mask and put pressure on the wound that should stop the bleeding or atleast slow it down!!!" Zach yelled.

Nixxie did what he said and it slowed down the bleeding. Zach, Jake, Casey, Lilly, and Loynce were still fighting the Oni and trying to keep them away from Nixxie and Kane. Lilly was still trying to hold off the blast from the Oni that almost hit Nixxie and it wasn't looking to good for Lilly as she was starting to get tired. Loynce noticed this and used his power to blind the Oni and then he ran towards the Oni Lilly was fighting and he blasted the Oni which caused the Oni to black out. Lilly then exhaled loudly and she fell to the ground. Loynce ran to her and defended her from the Oni. He then did a blinding blast that took out a ton of Oni. He then picked Lilly up and brought her to Nixxie and he then continued fighting the Oni.

"No Loynce I can help!!!" Lilly yelled.

"No you are not in shape to fight so stay there!!!" Loynce yelled.

Jake, Loynce, Zach, and Casey tryed there hardest to fight off the Oni.



The Oni then throws nets at all the Ninja and they get traped. Nixxie hugged Kane tight to make sure they wouldn't take him. Lilly was to exhausted to escape and that's when the Ninja realized their weakness, vengestone. Which is what the chains are made out off, but Loynce managed to dodge the chains and he ran to attack the Oni again. He blasted them and stopped. He then made his hands glow and the Oni backed away from him.

"Oh what is it? Ya scared of light?" Loynce said taunting them.

Then he blasted every single Oni with his power and they all fell to the ground and were out. Loynce stopped usesing his power and was out of breath. Then out of no where a huge purple blast that came from a building blasted Loynce sending him flying into a wall and the wall crumbled around him.

"LOYNCE!!!" Nixxie and Lilly yelled.

They were so worried for Loynce as Kane got hit and was out and bleeding and they were worried if Loynce got killed. Lilly tried to escape she kept smashing hers sword into the chains but they wouldn't budge. Tears started forming in hers eyes as she was afraid hers little brother was just killed. But then laughter was heard from the source of the blast. And a huge Oni came out. He seemed 6'8 at most and he had huge horns and his eyes were bright purple and his entire form was gold. He had long claws and he dragged them across the wall of the building as he walked out. All the Ninja had a very horrified look as they saw this monster walk out from the building.

"W-w-what the hech is that?!!!" Jake yelled.

"The Oni king..." Lilly said quietly in shock.

Then thats when a bright light shined from the area Loynce was at. Nixxe gasped.

"Loynce?!!!" Nixxie said in confusion.

Then Loynce stood up from the ruble with his hands shining. His mask was slightly torn but it still covered majority of his face. The Ninja then heard Loynce's breathing and it was loud.

"Oh no" Lilly said.

"You foolish Ninja." The Oni King said.

"YOUR THE FOOLISH ONE!!!" Loynce yelled on the top of his lungs.

"How so." Said the Oni King.

Loynce got very angry as the Oni King wasn't phased for one second then Loynce charged at the Oni King and they started fighting. Meanwhile Lilly kept trying to break out of the chains. She kept smashing hers sword against the chains continuously.

"Zach where's our backup?!!!" Jake asked loudly.

"I'm not sure they haven't responded!!!" Zach said.

Then more Oni showed up and surrounded the trapped Ninja and they tazed all of them. All of them screamed in pain and they blacked out. This catches Loynce's attention and he turns around and he saw them taze his sister.

"NO!!!!!!!!!" Loynce Yells loudly.

Loynce gets really angry and his eyes turn purple. He then rips his mask off and just when the Oni King was about to punch Loynce until he saw his face. The Oni King paused and mummbled.


The Oni king froze and was in utter shock. Then Loynce couldn't control himself and he blasted the Oni King with a purple blast. The Oni king flew into a wall. All the Oni saw what Loynce did and they retreated from sight.

"WHAT YOUR SCARED TO FIGHT ME??? FACE ME YOU COWARDS!!!!!" Loynce yelled on the top of his lungs.

Then thats when out of no where he was caught in a net that was made out of plants. Loynce got angry but then out of no where all his anger went away and his eyes turned back to normal. Loynce looked at his surroundings and saw a ton of people helping his teammates.

"Who, who are you people?!!!" Loynce asked.

He then saw them touching his sister and he yelled.


"Loynce calm down we're on your side!"

When Loynce turned around he saw his mother behind him with a black and dark green cloak on.


To be continued...

Word count- 1,516

Authors note- Credit to "Rayla-Wittebane" for help on this chapter!

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