~Chapter 21~

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Chapter 21

After packing everything up, we were finally on our way back to the university. It was pitch black out, making sleep more inviting. But that wasn’t what I was planning on doing. All I could think of was about what happened after Ethan drove off.

~Flashback to before~

I had finally finished putting all my tack away. I then went inside the living quarters to put fix my bed and put away my clothing that was thrown all over the place. Debby was already in there putting away all the food and Kristen was finishing up the dishes.

“Hey Ashley?” Debby asked with her back turned to me. Her tone was light and cheery. “Yeah?” I questioned, making my bed. “I noticed 8 people in hats and sunglasses watching and cheering every time you did your runs. Know anything about that?” she asked in a teasing tone. I immediately stopped what I was doing and spun around. Kristen was frozen and Debby was looking at me with her hands on her hips, a smile on her face. 

“Erm… I have no clue what you’re t-talking about…” I stuttered. Her grin only grew, as my face went red. “I think we both know that’s a lie. Does this have something to do with the boy band you girls were talking about in the car, hmm?” she mused. I gulped. Kristen had unfrozen and was looking at me, with a look of shock on her face. 

“I swear I had no clue they were coming! They just showed up!” I said in a panic. Debby burst into laughter as Kristen began to smirk. “I knew it! Trey and I were taking bets, I was right, ha! In your face Trey!” Debby shouted. I heard footsteps come up behind me. I whirled around, and standing there was Trey with a scowl on his face. He stomped up to Debby and placed £20 in her hand. 

“A-are they st-still here?” Kristin managed to squeak out. “I have no clue, I haven’t seen them since after awards.” I replied. I smiled at the thought. “So is that were you were when you weren’t with us?” Trey asked me. I nodded, biting my lip as I turned to finish packing. Trey exited the trailer after saying something to Debby about packing up in their trailer. After I finished everything, I took a seat at the table and pulled out my phone, going straight to twitter.


Such a great show! Met some amazing people. London, you’re amazing! About to head back to the uni, long car ride ahead. #sleepytime

I then went to the text message icon. 

From: Niall- text me when you get this! Xx

I smiled and composed a text back.

To: Niall- Hey! Sorry it took me a while to reply, I was busy :/ whats up?

From: Niall- We’re about to leave, come to see me-I mean us, yeah? 

To: Niall- Sure! Can my roommate, Kristen come to meet you guys?x

Niall: Sure! We’re in the trailer 5 down from you, its black…

I chuckled before putting my phone in my pocket. “Hey Kristen! Come with me for a second, kay?” I told her before yanking her arm out the trailer door. “OW! Can I at least put on my other boot?!” she exclaimed as she hopped on one foot. I patiently waited for her to pull on her boot and we began walking down the line of trailers. “Where are we going anyways?” Kristen asked me. “Just to say bye to One Direction and their girlfriends.” I replied casually as we reached the black trailer. 

“We’re doing what?!” She screamed as I walked up to the door. “Calm down, they’re normal people. C’mon now!” I said as I raised my hand to knock. I didn’t have to though, since the door swung open, almost hitting me in the process, revealing Zayn. 

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