''Where is Daisy, mother?'' I am not shocked that she asked that. I know this question will come in the future.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me." She starts talking before I can say anything.

"No, it's alright." I sigh, before I start talking again.

"Her name is Scarlet. We were in a relationship, but we didn't have any romantic feelings for each other. For her, it was attention that she got when people saw her with me sense she is a model, and for me, it was just a physical relationship. We both get what we want from it." Now that I think of it, I won't even know why I let that relationship or whatever that was going on for that long.

"Everything was going well, but one day my driver called me and told me that they had visited a gynecologist. He never did that, but he felt something was wring that day because, when she came back, she was looking as white as a sheet. So he thought to let me know.''

I still remember how confused I was when he called me.

"So that day I finished my work early and went to visit her to ask her if she was alright. When I asked her about it, she just said that she was gone for the normal checkup, but she was acting weird and trying to change the subject." Vivian was listening to the story with a serious expression on her face.

Damn, she is beautiful.

"After that, when I reached my house, I couldn't erase the feeling that something was wrong. I have this uneasy feeling in my heart. So I decided to contact the hospital and ask them. I used some of my contacts and finally got my answer. She was pregnant, and she was going to get an abortion that day, but because of some problems, the doctor couldn't do it." I fist my hands, and I can feel my nails digging into my palm.

What would happen if I didn't investigate that day? I could have lost my daughter. She is my sunshine, she keeping away the darkness.

I felt a light touch on my hand that was on top of the tablet. When I look down I saw her hand on mine, It's like she can hear my thoughts. My hands are clenching so hard that they turn white.

Surprisingly, Vivian's touch calmed me down instantly. I couldn't help but grab her hands and bend down to kiss it.
It's insane how much control she has over me in such a short time, and she didn't even know it.

"I go back to her house the same night and confront her about it," I continue.

"And after a very long argument, she told me that she wasn't even sure if the baby was mine; apparently, she was cheating on me with not one but many other men.
But sense, I don't love her or anything, so I wasn't even angry. Even if there is a possibility that the child is not mine, I couldn't let her abort it. So I make a deal with her." She frowns and tilts her head slightly to the right.

"What kind of a deal?"

"We will have a DNA test when the baby is born, and after that, I will give her 10 million dollers for her one year and help her get back to her shape and get back into the modeling industry, but after one year, she will not have any connection with the baby or me. She will give away her parental rights, and her name should not be connected with her in any way." I tell her everything.

"And what if the DNA test turned out negative? What would have happened to Daisy?" She asks and I know what she is thinking.

"I never did it; to be honest, it was never needed, when I hold her for the first time I know she is mine she had the same eyes as mine and even if it turn out that she was not my daughter by blood. Nothing will happen to her; she will still be my daughter. Blood will not change the love that has grown in my heart from the very first day I found out about her existence."I still remember the love I felt when I heard her heartbeat for the first time-her first kick.

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