New home, New Gem

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I appear in a new ground a new place looking around i see the town was called Seabrook walking forward more i bump into someone

"Oh my apologies." I said to the person in front of me as she turned around I see it was a girl with white hair

"No problem oh hi I'm Addison, Addison Wells."

"Hi, my many apologies to bumping into to."

"It's okay, it was an accident." Then she noticed my bags

"Are you new here?"

"Oh um yes I just um.... I ran away old home cause difference."

"Oh my god and you don't have anywhere to go." I shook my head softly

"Come with me." She tells me so I follow behind her to a pink house opening it we go inside

"Your home is beautiful Addison."

"Thanks mom dad I'm home." She called out to her parentals which I see was a blonde and dark haired humans

"Hi sweetie."

"Oh an hello are you a friend of Addison?"

"Oh um we just have meet." I spoke honestly

"Mom dad she doesn't have a place to stay she's new here."

"And you don't have any parents?" I shook my head no

"You poor dear why of course you can stay here Addison will show you the guest room."

"Thank you."

"Come on." I go upstairs and she opens the door to a room

"Here you go."

"It's beautiful" I set my bags down sitting on the bed

"Well make yourself at home." She said leaving me

"Wait?" She stops

"Um where you going?"

"Me, oh just to meet some friends. Do you wanna meet them."

"Yes! Oh sorry if that seem clingy it's just back home I was never allowed out the house."

"Well come on." I make sure I look presentable and leave with her, at a what see to be a eating place i see humans with green skin and others with other skin I stand behind Addison nervously

"Hi guys!"

"Hey Addison."

"Hi girl."

"Hey addi." I felt scared then she looked back at me

"It's okay their nice." She comfort me, I was hesitant but nod stepping out

"Hi, who's this Addison?"

"Well she's new here but she didn't tell me her name?"

"Hi I'm Zed what's your name?" I gulped nervous I didn't wanna use my real name so I made up a new one

"My name, my name is crystal, crystal diamond." I smiled softly

"Crystal huh cool name."

'yeah thanks it because of my diamond." I showed it off and they look at it amazed

"Um not to be rude but are you guys gems too?"

"Who is?" Asked the girl with green skin I nod softly they laughed kindly

"We're zombies."

"Zombies?" I asked confused

"You know the past eat your brains zombies, but we don't do that."

The Lost Diamond (Descendants x Steven Universe x Zombies 2&3)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ