The first qudditch match

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It's the next day and it's finally the first quidditch match of the year. It's Slytherin VS Ravenclaw.

As I got ready I realized that I didn't have anything green to wear, that screamed " l support Slytherin".
I asked Pansy if she had anything for me but she didn't.
" hey boys, do any of you have a green sweater ? I grew out of mine sadly ", I say looking at them with glint of hope.
Blaise shakes his head as he says, " sorry sweet heart but I don't". As I roll my eyes at his comment I see Draco giving Blaise a bitchy look. What's wrong with him? Blaise was just joking .
Blaise then continued, " No but seriously, I don't have one. But I do know that Draco has one, right Draco? ".
Draco gives Blaise a side stare agin. He then turns his attention towards me and gives me a happy smile. " here take his one, you can keep it", Draco says softly.
" thank you Draco, really thank you", I say to him with happiness. I smile at him and he smiles back. Then I go back to my room and quickly change into the sweater.
It's soft, and smells like Aromatic citrus, floral and amber, and some kind of wood. It smells so nice.

When me and Pansy were done getting ready we went to one of the Slytherin towers and took a seat.
The Slytherin Team flew up and everyone started cheering. Then the Ravenclaws flew up. Almost everyone cheered at them as well.
" common Draco, show them who's the best!", I shout as loud as I can. Somehow he notices me sharing and smiles towards me. I give him two thumbs up.
1...2..3 and let the games begin .

Draco catched the snitch 2 times. The other three times the Ravenclaw's catched it. 
We Slytherins usually play dirty, and our pride is too big for some of us. It's pretty sad sometimes, actually.

" common Draco I know you can catch it! You're awesome!! Common Draco, I believe in you !", I shout out of my mouth as loud as I can.
A few minutes later he catches the Snitch. All of us tarts to jump and cheer of happiness. When we all got back to the common room all of us cheered
" Draco, Draco Draco !".
He smirked as proudly as sever. I ran towards him and jumped up as I hugged him. He spinned me around a few times before he put me on the ground agin. My hands were around his neck and his around my waist.
" Draco you were wonderful! I knew you could do it, I always believed you could do it", I say proudly while looking up into his eyes.
" I know, I heard what you screamed to me some minutes before I catched the snitch Y/n. It really means a lot ", he says as he gives me a soft smile and hugs me. I hugged him back.

Everyone then held Draco in their arms and lifted him up and throw him up in the air and screamed,
" Draco, Draco, Draco!". I laughed of enjoyment.

" guys let's have a party for Draco !!!", a guy says
Everyone else shouted, " yes sir!!".
The older Slytherins went and brought son fire whisky, and started some good music.
Me and Pansy danced around on the floor not far away from Draco and Blaise.
I then walked up to Draco. I smiled at him as I said,
" hey, does the cooler and best chaser of our school wanna dance ?".
I then start to laugh, he then laughs with me. He then nods and says, " of course Y/l/n, how could I turn down my favorite girl in the world - who is my best friend ".
I laugh as I take a hold of his finger and lead him away from the center. We then began to dance.
He twirls me around a few times. The last time I fall towards him. Ha catahes me with one of his hands on my waist and the other on my shoulder. While I hold on to his shoulders. We both began to laugh.
But when the laughter faded away, we both looked deeply into each other's eyes with desire. Then down on to each other lips. He places one of his hands on my cheek and stoked it with his thumb.
" Draco, congrats mate !", Blaise says as he walks over to us. The same moment he lets go of the grip holding my waist and cheek.

That made me feel a little sad and bitter. Why did Blaise have to come now. What if he would've kissed me?! Would it be right? I mean I know there's something between, there is a tension between us. It makes me insane.

"Thank you mate !", Draco says back and hugs Blaise with one of his arms. Me and Pansy then laugh beside them.
" yeah Draco, you were Marvelous! Congrats !", Pansy said and winked at him. Draco smirked back at her.
" thank you, Pansy ", Draco said and laughed.

I rolled my eyes at them. Blaise noticed and smirked.
I gave him a death stare. I then took his wrist and lead him away while looking back at Draco, who throwned his brows. I smirked at him and then looked away from him. I led him to his and Draco's room and closed the door.

" Blaise, does Draco like a girl?", I asked curiously.
" why so interested in Draco's love life Y/l/n ?", Blaise says in a teasing way.
" oh shut it Zabini, it's just a general question", I say laughing.
" you sure ?", Blaise says. I nod.
Then I say, " does Draco possibly like Pansy?". Blaise then comes closer to me and whispers, " no there's another girl".
I smile and say, " okay bye " as I walk out of the door.
I then run down to Draco & Pansy.
I then shout, " guys let's play truth of dare. I'll take a bottle of fire whiskey that we can drink up. You guys, go and get Blaise ".
They smile and nod.

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