Start of the third year

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Me and Draco have always been friends. I can't imagine life without him. He has always been with me. We have had our differences, cries and laughs throughout the years, and still our bond is as strong as ever.
Today I will see him agin, after the summer break.
We're starting third year today.
Of course I'm excited about to see Pansy & Blaise agin, as well.

I was sitting in one of the compartments, waiting for the others to arrive. While I waited I read a book , and looking out of the window in between the pages.

" hello, may I come in ?", someone says.
I look to my left and see Draco standing by the door smiling. I nod, and smile in return
As he walks to the seat In front of me I notice how much taller he has become over the summer, he's hair being split in to - two parts and that it has grown.
When he then takes a seat in front of me he asks
" what are you reading?".
I look up to meet his light grey eyes looking on my
y/e/c ones. " it's a book called Romulus and Julieta ", I say back.
" a romance book, huh?", he says with a smirk at his face.
I blush and look away as I say  "mhm", before someone else says " let the girl read romance if she wants to!". 
My eyes widen as a smile grows on my lips.
" oh my gosh Pans, I've missed you so very mush!", I say with excitement.
She goes and hugs me as she says, " I've missed you to".
She then takes a seat beside Draco who says,
" and me?" With a smirk.
She starts to giggle and playfully pushes her arm into his and says, " of course I missed you to".

Geez can't they get a room? Their flintiness starts to get really annoying, honestly I start to get really tired of it.

" Earth to y/n?", Pansy says as Draco waves with his hand in front of my face.
" uhm... yeah.. what was it that you two were saying?", I say looking at them.
" why do you sound so annoyed for?", Pansy asks while crossing her arms.
My eye brows rise at her question. I shake my head back and forth as I say, " I'm not annoyed".
Draco smirks at my statement.
He then says, " awh is y/n a little jelly?". He then starts to laugh. Pansy laughs with him afterwards.
" I'm not jealous. Besides I have nothing to be jealous about!", I say angrily as I look away out the window.
" yeah right, "you aren't". I mean there's nothing going on between me and Pansy. We're just friends. So you got one point. But I'm still delightful ,and the most handsome guy in Slytherin, and one of the most handsome ones in school", Draco says as he laughs with a smirk.

Pansy didn't really seem happy about Draco saying
" we're just friends ". She frowned her eye brows and rolled her eyes.
I laughed at his words.
" is something funny ?", Draco asked me as he laughed and smirked.
I laugh and sarcastically said, " yeah trebly funny".
" what do you mean, I was fucking serious", he says.
" there's a lot of other cute and handsome guys too , Draco", I say as I smile at him.
His look changes from happiness to anger. He then says, " oh like who? Who could these lucky guys be then".
" like Cedric diggory, or Marcus Craouw ", I say.
Draco then imitated. I laughed at him.
" and you sure that you're not the one who is jealous" , I say with a laugh.
" of course I'm not, I just got mad because you find a Hufflepuff attractive", he says with anger in this voice.
" okay, I just said back looking away towards the window with a little anger in voice back at him.

" hi guys, am I interrupting something ?", I hear a guy say. I look to my left and see Blaise standing in the door entrance. I stand up and hug him as I greet him. He hugs ma back and says " hi" back to me. He then takes a seat beside me.
" Hi mate! ", Draco says as he and Blaise greet each other with a " bro" hand-hug. Me and Pansy laugh.
" hi Blaise", Pansy says as she smiles. " hi", he says back as he take's seat beside me.

~ Time pass~
" Next stop, Hogwarts "

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