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I had just wrapped up a particularly stressful meeting at the shop, and the weight of the day was wearing me down. Deciding I needed a break, I headed out around 2 pm in search of a place for lunch.

As I stepped outside, my mind still consumed by work, I suddenly found myself freezing in my tracks. There, right in front of me, was Coriolanus Snow. We locked eyes, and a mixture of surprise and tension hung in the air.

To my bewilderment, he approached me with a hesitant smile. "Cordelia, I understand you might not want to talk, but can we have lunch? I'd like to explain a few things."

Reluctance painted my expression, but after a moment's contemplation, I sighed and agreed. "Fine, let's get this over with."

We entered the restaurant and took a seat in one of the booths. The server had brought out some menus.

Coryo shifted uncomfortably in his seat as we sat down for lunch. I maintained my calm composure, waiting for him to start the conversation.

"I'm in a sort of relationship with Lucy," he admitted, fidgeting with the menu.

"Oh, so you're enjoying the simple life?" I teased, a smirk playing on my lips.

He sighed, "It's not that simple. I thought I could change, but the more I try, the more I miss the Capitol."

"Maybe you just don't appreciate the beauty of a more straightforward life," I mocked, taking a sip of water.

Coriolanus looked at me earnestly. "It's not that. I tried. I really did."

"Why not bring Lucy to the Capitol, then? Show her your world," I suggested.

He shook his head. "She wouldn't want that, and even if she did, she wouldn't fit in."

"You know, if you love her, you'd learn to grow beside her. Make compromises," I offered genuine advice, surprising even myself. "Love is about adapting and supporting each other."

Coryo looked at me, processing the words. The air between us held a mix of tension and unspoken truths.

Coriolanus dropped the bombshell, "Lucy and I are planning to flee."

I couldn't hide my shock and confusion. "Flee? Why would you need to flee with her?"

He leaned in and whispered, "Lucy killed the mayor's daughter."

I spat out my water, completely caught off guard. "What?!"

He urged me to lower my voice, "Keep it down. Sejanus doesn't know. He's occupied with the rebel group around the district."

I was dumbfounded. "Sejanus is part of a rebel group? Why haven't you been speaking to either of them?"

Coriolanus glanced around cautiously, "You can't tell anyone, Cordelia."

"Why are you telling me this?" I questioned, bewildered.

"I trust you," he said, reaching across the table to hold my hands. "I might never see you again. I don't want you to be unsettled, I care for you."

"Good to know," I say wiping the water away with a napkin. "Why are you fleeing?"

"I told you she..."

I cut him off, "Yes, but why are you fleeing, if you aren't involved?"

Im met with silence on his end. And as the weight of Coriolanus's revelation settled in, I couldn't help but express my thoughts. "Coriolanus, fleeing with Lucy Gray is a drastic step. You have a chance to return, to rebuild your life in the Capitol. Are you sure you want to throw that away?"

He looked at me, his eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and conflict. "I care for her, Cordelia. I can't leave her to face the consequences alone."

I sighed, realizing the complexity of the situation. "Coriolanus, is this the only way? Have you considered all the options?"

His gaze remained intense. "I've thought about it. This is the choice I've made."

I couldn't shake the feeling that he might be acting impulsively, driven by emotions rather than rationality. "Coriolanus, just ensure you've weighed all the consequences. This decision could change everything for you."

He nodded, acknowledging my concern, but his commitment to Lucy Gray seemed unwavering. The path he had chosen was fraught with uncertainty, and I couldn't help but worry about the repercussions he might face.

"You said change was good." He says questioning me.

"No, I said growing with people is a learning experience. This is change a big one" I correct.

"What would you do? If I killed someone and I asked you to flee with me." He says putting in her shoes.

Thinking about it before replying. "Why does it have to be you?"

"Fine, Sejanus." He replies bitterly.

"I would say, may the odds ever be in your favor." I say thoughtfully. "I would wish him luck with his journey"

"What if he decides to cover it up?" He asks.

"Where is this coming from?" I ask confused.

"Does it matter?" He asks. "You always know what to do,"

"If that were the case, I'd probably choose myself," I reply honestly, acknowledging the complexities of human nature. "At the end of the day, it's often not worth sacrificing your goals for someone you just met."

I continue, cautioning, "But that's just my perspective, Coriolanus. Don't let my opinion dictate your decisions."

A heavy silence hangs between us, burdened with unspoken truths. I decide to broach the delicate topic about Coriolanus and Sejanus.

"Sej said you won't talk about me," I say, my gaze fixed on the food before me.

Coriolanus's jaw clenches as he responds, "There isn't much to say. But, just so you're aware, anyone caught with rebel information will be killed."

"Got it. You don't wanna talk..."

He cuts me off, his voice firm. "I'm telling you this because if Sejanus gets caught, you'll be automatically suspected as an accomplice."

"What?" I say, looking up suddenly. "I didn't do anything?"

"But now you know," he says, locking eyes with me. "I told you."

"So you'd be killed too," I point out.

"I'm fleeing," Coriolanus says promptly. I smile with a bit of hatred directed his way. "There it is, that's Coryo."

"As long as you're in District 12, you'll be in danger," he ignores my comment and bitter gaze. "You shouldn't be here, Cordelia."

"I'm only here for my business; whatever you're up to isn't," I say, upset. I feel more and more betrayed by the minute.

"He'll be caught," he says in a promising voice. "I need you to leave District 12, today."

"I have a meeting tomorrow, and I won't be able to—"

"It'll be too late then," he cuts me off. He grabs my hands once more and peers into my eyes. "When they discover Sejanus, they'll look for the people he's been around for the past couple of days. They'll think you being here isn't a coincidence."

"Do you trust me?" he asks, examining my hesitant expression. He searches for a response.

"That... is subjective."

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