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The next day, I woke up bright and early, ready to embark on the significant journey ahead. On my way to the boutique, I found my mother engrossed in a project at the kitchen counter.

"Cordelia, take a look," she beckons me over.

I observe her calculations based on oil refining. "Looks like production is down by 12%, maybe due to overmining?"

"Technology," she responds simply. "Cordelia, I think it's time you get involved in this family business."

"I see," I reply, hesitant to reveal my true feelings.

"Which is why I'm entrusting you with deciding where we should invest next. Consider it a test," she says with a smile, handing me a file.

"This is quite a responsibility," I mutter, feeling overwhelmed. "Mom, I'm not sure about this."

"You're on the verge of graduating from the academy," she replies with a questioning stare. "We've provided you with all the tools you need for this."

I take a deep breath, recognizing that my involvement in the family business is inevitable, whether I'm ready for it or not. That doesn't mean I wanted that inevitable now.

Vendetta was opening today and I was extremely proud. As my mother continued to press me about my involvement in the family business, my father entered the kitchen, sensing tension in the air.

"What's going on here?" he inquired, looking between us.

"She's hesitating to take part in the business," my mother complained to him.

Dad sighed, "Cordelia, you went to school to be capable. We've given you an education to contribute to our family's success."

I felt the weight of their expectations, the constant push toward a path I had reluctantly chosen. "I wanted to pursue something creative, not be confined to a business major. I've had enough of science during my time at the academy," I protested.

My father's patience seemed to wear thin. "You'll do what's best for this family, Cordelia. Leave your silly little dream behind. It's time to be responsible and contribute to our success," he scolded.

Feeling a surge of frustration and disappointment, I turned to leave the kitchen, leaving their expectations echoing in my ears.

Taking a deep breath, I decided to share my exciting news despite the tension in the room. "Well, today is the opening day for Vendetta, the boutique I've been working on. You're welcome to come if you'd like."

There was a heavy silence in the room, and their lack of enthusiasm felt like a weight on my shoulders. The disapproval in their eyes was evident, and I realized my pursuit of a creative dream didn't align with their vision for my future in the family business.

"Alright then." I say and leave the kitchen.


As I stepped out of my home after the tense confrontation, I headed toward the boutique. The sight that awaited me was unexpected – a swarm of paparazzi, eager to capture every moment of the opening. Their questions hit me like a flurry, but I managed to slip inside the boutique, where I knew I could gather my thoughts.

Taking a deep breath, I faced the growing crowd and announced, "Doors will open at 11 am. Thank you all for your enthusiasm!"

Inside, the boutique buzzed with anticipation, but Tigris was conspicuously absent. I couldn't shake off the worry building inside me, wondering where she might be on this crucial day.

Relief washed over me as Tigris hurriedly entered, closing the door behind her. Her disheveled appearance and energetic words conveyed a mix of excitement and chaos. "This is so ridiculous, in the most amazing way!" she exclaimed, capturing the essence of the moment.

I couldn't help but laugh, her infectious energy easing the tension I had been carrying. "Where have you been? You nearly missed the paparazzi outside!"

Tigris waved it off. "You're so funny."

"Alright, so how do we handle the crowd outside?" I inquired, looking around the boutique. The unexpected attention had turned our quaint shop into a bustling attraction.

Tigris pondered for a moment before suggesting, "What if we let in groups of 10 people at a time? That way, we can manage the chaos and give everyone a chance to experience the grand opening."

I nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a plan. Are you ready for this?"

Tigris grinned, excitement evident in her eyes. "More than ready. Let's do this, Cordelia."

As the doors swung open, the eager crowd surged forward, and the grand opening of Vendetta began in a whirlwind of excitement. The boutique, bathed in the soft glow of strategically placed lights, showcased the meticulous craftsmanship and artistic flair of our designs.

Despite the higher price tags, the customers were captivated by the uniqueness of each piece. It wasn't just about clothing; it was about wearing a statement, a piece of art crafted with passion. The air buzzed with anticipation and awe as shoppers explored the collection.

Within minutes, garments were flying off the racks. The vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and avant-garde designs spoke to the crowd, making them willing to invest in a piece of Vendetta. Tigris and I found ourselves caught up in the whirlwind, helping customers, handling transactions, and witnessing our dream come to life.

The atmosphere was electric, and the paparazzi outside captured every moment of the opening. Word spread quickly, attracting fashion enthusiasts and trendsetters. The unique approach to admitting customers in groups only added to the allure, making people feel like part of an exclusive event.

Despite the initial chaos, the opening day turned out to be a massive success. The boutique, now a hub of creativity and style, marked the beginning of Vendetta's journey in the Capitol's fashion scene.

My hands were delicately handling a rich fabric when the phone on the counter rang. I wiped my palms on my apron, rushing to answer it. The voice on the other end was from the medical wing of the academy, and my heart skipped a beat as they informed me about Coriolanus being admitted due to a rebel bombing during an arena match.

I felt a wave of shock and concern wash over me. Tigris, who was assisting a customer nearby, looked at me with worry in her eyes. I relayed the news to her and asked her to go to the medical wing while I assured her I would manage things at the shop.

As Tigris hurriedly left the boutique, my thoughts raced. The joy of the successful opening now mixed with concern for Coriolanus. I focused on the task at hand, ensuring that the remaining customers received the attention they deserved, but my mind lingered on the well-being of the man I had been avoiding my feelings for.

"You've heard of the bombing?" The Customer asks while looking at the fabrics, I was officially on cashier duty.

"That girl you're working with, snow right? I heard of Coriolanus Snow mentorship during these games, you must be close with him." They explain to me.

"It'll be 1,489$" I say while bagging her items up. She hands me the cash and I put it in the register.

"Perhaps a romantic relationship!" They exclaim. I realize they are with the paparazzi.

"No, we're not together" I clarify. "If you are finished we have more people waiting."

I couldn't wait to get out of here and check up on him was the truth.

THREADS OF AMBITION: CORIOLANUS SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now