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The day finally arrives when Tigris and I open the door to our very own boutique, the physical embodiment of our dreams—Vendetta. As we step inside, the space unfolds before us, and it's even better than I could have imagined.

The boutique is a good size, not too large but spacious enough for our creative endeavors. On the desk, there's a note from Philomena, along with a big sign proudly displaying the Vendetta brand. It's a thoughtful gesture, connecting our new venture to the designs that started it all at Philomena's boutique.

"Cordelia, come check this out!" Tigris calls from the back.

I make my way towards the source of her excitement, and as I step into the working area, I'm met with a sight that leaves me utterly shocked. There are tables lined with fabrics, sewing machines humming softly, and an array of tools ready for our use. It's a haven for creativity, a space where our designs can come to life.

Tigris beams at me, her eyes reflecting the shared joy and disbelief at the abundance of resources. "Cordelia, this is incredible. We can make anything here!"

I can't help but share in her enthusiasm, and as we explore our new workspace, I feel a profound sense of gratitude for the opportunities that brought us here. Vendetta is no longer just a dream; it's a tangible reality, and together, Tigris and I are ready to weave our stories into the fabric of our designs.

Tigris and I can't contain our excitement as we explore the possibilities of Vendetta. "I'll bring the vision board tomorrow, and we can start turning our ideas into reality," I declare, feeling a rush of energy at the thought of bringing our shared dreams to life.

We discuss plans to bring some of our signature pieces to display up front, showcasing the unique style that defines Vendetta. Tigris is all in, eager to run the boutique during the day while I balance the demands of school.

"Imagine the stories we'll tell through our designs," Tigris muses, her eyes filled with dreams and possibilities. It's a journey we're embarking on together, and the boutique holds the promise of becoming a canvas for our creativity.

As we talk about the layout, the colors, and the fabrics, I can't help but marvel at the serendipity that led us here. Vendetta isn't just a brand; it's a shared vision, a testament to our friendship, and a declaration that creativity can thrive against all odds.


Throughout the following weeks, I had been neck deep in work. School was a battle in of on itself. But, during the night I would be at the boutique and creating producing cycle.

Luckily, we had the date set for opening and began our promotional materials. I walk into the classroom, my mind buzzing with thoughts of Vendetta. Highbottom is giving the rundown about the arena for the mentors, but my focus is persistent on my work. I take my seat, surrounded by the usual faces, when an unexpected presence settles next to me. It's Coriolanus Snow.

He attempts to strike up a conversation, but my attention is firmly on the papers spread out before me, filled with numbers, calculations, and sketches. Sejanus, Coriolanus's best friend, shoots an intrigued glance our way. It's clear that he finds it odd for Coriolanus to sit next to me.

Coriolanus, undeterred, glances at my papers and raises an eyebrow. "What's all this for?"

I look at him curiously, wondering why Tigris hasn't filled him in. "It's for my business," I reply, my tone leaving no room for distractions. Vendetta occupies my thoughts further as I keep receiving calls. Except this time, I actually have to listen.

"This is why Tigris left Fabricia?" He asks while sliding the pages in front of him. "Cordelia, these numbers are quite high."

"We plan to focus on extravagant luxury for our first launch, we need money to produce more sentimental designs." I say rubbing my eyes. He looks at my face and frowns.

"You should swing by, we're located right off the statue" I say with a sleepy smile.

"Mr. Snow, I recommend paying attention if you'd like your little songbird to survive." Highbottom brings us out of our revere.

I got back to calculating and snow goes back to the lecture that highbottom is giving.

The rest of the day at school felt like a blur, my mind occupied with the business plans and the unexpected collaboration with Lucky. After Highbottom's class, I hastily make my way to the boutique. Tigris is inside, meticulously arranging a mannequin.

Excitement bursts from me as I share the news. "Tigris, I had a chat with Lucky yesterday after class. He's willing to wear a suit from our collection on air and be an ambassador for Vendetta. It's a fantastic opportunity, but there's a catch."

Tigris looks at me with curiosity. "What's the catch?"

I take a deep breath before explaining, "Because of the Hunger Games, we'll need to consider opening by Monday next week. It's sooner than we planned, but the exposure from Lucky could be a game-changer."

Tigris contemplates for a moment, her eyes scanning the boutique. "It's a tight schedule, but we can make it happen. Let's do this, Cordelia." The determination in her voice matches my own, and together, we prepare for the whirlwind week ahead.

I look at Tigris with a mixture of excitement and concern. "Are you 100% sure about this, Tigris?"

Tigris meets my gaze with unwavering certainty. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life, Cordelia."

A warm smile spreads across my face as I pull her into a tight hug. "Thank you, Tigris. We're in this together."

Tigris expresses her gratitude, "Thanks, Cordelia, for taking care of the business side of things. It means a lot."

I chuckle, "It's the least I can do, especially with school being in the picture. Luckily, I'm on the homestretch with that." We share a moment of relief, knowing that the end of this chapter is nearing, and a new, exciting one is about to begin.

I raise an eyebrow, "I spoke to Coriolanus about the shop, and he seemed clueless. Why didn't you tell him?"

Tigris hesitates, "I didn't want him questioning me and potentially getting Grandma'am upset. You know how she can be."

I nod in understanding, realizing the delicate balance Tigris maintains in her relationship with Fabricia. "Fair enough. Let's focus on getting everything ready for the boutique's opening. Coriolanus will just have to deal with it."

THREADS OF AMBITION: CORIOLANUS SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now