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As Tigris and I huddle over magazines and art supplies, the vision board project takes shape on my living room table. The prospect of opening a boutique together after the semester feels like an exciting adventure, and we dive into discussing potential names for our future brand.

"How about 'Ephemeral Elegance'?" I suggest, flipping through a magazine for inspiration.

Tigris laughs, "Sounds fancy. But what about 'Luminescent? It captures the essence of our designs."

We bounce ideas back and forth, creating a list that reflects our shared vision. The warmth of friendship and anticipation fills the room. However, as we transition to discussing the main concepts we want our brand to embody, a shadow falls over Tigris's expression.

"I had concepts," she confesses, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. "Beautiful designs that I'd been saving for the show. But Fabricia... she took them and burned them when she found out the show was canceled."

My eyes widen with disbelief and anger on Tigris's behalf. "What? Why would she do that?"

Tigris sighs, a mix of frustration and sadness in her eyes. "She was furious, Cordelia. I was devastated. Those designs meant everything to me."

Anger surges within me, directed at the injustice Tigris faced. "That's unacceptable. We'll create something even more amazing together, Tigris. No one will take that away from us."

As Tigris hums in agreement, our shared vision for the boutique bonding us even closer, she suddenly shifts gears. The hug tightens, and she pulls away, a curious glint in her eyes.

"So, spill the beans, Cordelia. What's the deal between you and Coryo?" Tigris asks with a playful smirk.

I chuckle, shaking my head. "Nothing, Tigris. He just accompanied me to the shops. It's not a big deal."

Tigris, however, isn't convinced. "Come on, Cordelia. I saw the way he looked at you. There's definitely something there."

I laugh it off, brushing aside her observation. "Tigris, you're reading too much into it. We're just friends."

She narrows her eyes, studying me intently. "Friends? I've known you long enough to sense when there's more. Are you sure you're not into him?"

I roll my eyes, trying to diffuse the situation. "Tigris, seriously, there's nothing going on between us. I'm into someone else entirely."

Tigris arches an eyebrow, unconvinced. "Who?"

I hesitate for a moment, conjuring a name to divert her attention. "Uh, Sejanus. I've been meaning to talk to him."

Tigris's eyes widen in surprise. "Sejanus? Really?"

I nod, playing along with the diversion. "Yep, really. So, no more conspiracy theories about Coryo and me, okay?"

She pouts playfully, "Fine, fine. But I'm keeping an eye on you two."

We share a laugh, the conversation shifting back to our boutique dreams. Little does Tigris know, beneath the surface of playful banter, a complex tapestry of emotions weaves its threads, leaving me to navigate the delicate dance of friendship, attraction, and the secrets I choose to keep.

As the vision board session with Tigris comes to a close, I decide to turn on the television for some background noise. The screen flickers to life, and to my surprise, a news report captures my attention. There, in the zoo cage, Coriolanus Snow stands with Lucy Grey, and they appear unusually close, sharing a moment that feels oddly intimate.

My eyes widen in disbelief as I watch them interact. The atmosphere between them seems charged with a tension that goes beyond mentorship. It's a glimpse into a world that feels distant from the Coriolanus I thought I knew.

Tigris notices my sudden shift in demeanor, and her eyes follow mine to the television screen. The playful banter about Sejanus and my supposed crush dissipates as we both watch the unfolding scene.

"What... what's going on?" Tigris asks, her expression mirroring my confusion.

I shake my head, trying to process the unexpected sight before us. "I don't know. This is just... strange."

The news report continues, delving into the complexities of the mentor-tribute relationship, but my mind is fixated on the image of Coriolanus and Lucy Grey. The romantic closeness portrayed on the screen leaves an unsettling feeling in the room.

Tigris, sensing my discomfort, places a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Cordelia, what does this mean?"

I struggle to find words, torn between the confusion of witnessing something unexpected and the desire to shield Tigris from the brewing storm. "I don't know, Tigris. It's just... surprising. I never expected he'd do this."

As the news report concludes, leaving a lingering sense of unease.


The soft knock on my door takes me by surprise, and when I open it, there stands Coriolanus Snow, an unexpected visitor in the quiet evening. His presence alone raises questions, but it's the desperation in his eyes that tells me something is amiss.

"Cordelia," he says, his usual composure faltering.

I gesture for him to come in, curiosity mingling with caution. As he explains the situation – the need for a show, the importance of donations – it becomes clear that he's treading on unfamiliar ground. He needs help orchestrating a performance that would secure the support he desperately seeks.

"I need your help, how would you put on a show, Cordelia?" he asks, a note of vulnerability in his voice.

I hesitate for a moment, contemplating his request. "It's not just about the spectacle, Coriolanus. It's about conveying a story, evoking emotions. Why do you need this show?"

He sighs, revealing the urgency in his tone. "I have to get donations for Lucy Grey. It's the only way she'll survive the Games."

The weight of his words hangs in the air, and I realize the gravity of the situation. Despite my reservations, I decide to help, agreeing to design a dress for Lucy Grey's performance.

"I can't, Coriolanus. I'm busy working on my portfolio, and my final is due tomorrow," I explain, hoping he'd understand.

His eyes dart to the vision board on my wall, focusing on the name that ties our dreams together – Vendetta.

"What's Vendetta?" he asks, his curiosity piqued.

I hesitate, debating whether to reveal our shared vision. "It's... a brand. Tigris and I are planning to open a boutique together after the semester."

Coriolanus's gaze lingers on the rainbow skirt design Tigris had in mind. "That skirt, Cordelia. Can you make it for Lucy Grey's performance?"

My initial reluctance resurfaces, but he makes an offer that gives me pause. "I'll do your homework for a week," he proposes.

A mix of surprise and amusement crosses my face. "My homework? Really?"

He nods, determination in his eyes. "If it helps Lucy and ensures the success of Vendetta, consider it a deal."

Reluctantly, I agree, realizing that our paths have intertwined in unexpected ways.

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