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The morning air was laden with tension as I waited at the station for Tigris. The thought of facing Coriolanus, now with a dramatically different appearance, stirred a mixture of emotions within me. A glance at my watch confirmed that Tigris was running late, and I couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that Grandma'am  might be the reason behind the delay.

In the distance, I spotted Coriolanus, and our eyes met involuntarily. The atmosphere hung heavy with the weight of unspoken words and unfinished stories. Determined not to let the opportunity pass, I made my way toward him, acknowledging the change in his appearance.

"Hello, Coriolanus," I greeted him, choosing a formal tone to keep our interaction neutral.

His response was more cutting than I expected. "So, you found out about my cheating, Cordelia."

The admission struck a chord, but I maintained my composure, unwilling to let emotions surface in the midst of the farewell. "Yes, it seems the truth has a way of revealing itself," I replied evenly, choosing to address the elephant in the room without letting it overshadow the purpose of our meeting.

His eyes bore into mine, searching for the truth behind my calm facade. "Are you angry with me, Cordelia?" Coriolanus questioned, sensing there was more beneath the surface.

His admission of cheating, while significant, wasn't the primary source of my internal turmoil. I took a moment before responding, choosing my words carefully. "No, Coriolanus, it's not about that," I confessed, hoping he would grasp the underlying complexities.

Curiosity etched on his face, he pressed further. "Then what is it? Tell me the real reason."

I hesitated, grappling with the question burning within me. Finally, I voiced what had been gnawing at my thoughts. "Why District 12? Why are you going there specifically?"

I could feel the anger simmering within me as I insinuated his motives, but Coriolanus maintained his silence. The tension between us grew thicker until I couldn't contain my frustration any longer.

"You're going there for her, aren't you? To live happily ever after with Lucy Gray?" I accused, my words laced with bitterness.

His silence only fueled my anger. "You're never coming back, are you?" I spat out, my voice trembling with frustration. Coriolanus, still silent, seemed to confirm my suspicions. The realization hit me like a tidal wave, and my anger erupted.

"You promised me, Coriolanus! You're such an asshole for leading me on!" I cursed him, my words cutting through the air. "You're full of shit, saying you'd burn the world,"

He let me unleash my fury, absorbing every accusation. Once I had exhausted my anger, he looked into my eyes with an underlying anger of his own. "If you want my attention, Cordelia, you've got it," he retorted sharply.

"You think I'm going there for her? What a brat you are, Cordelia," Coriolanus spat out, his words dripping with aggression. "Even if that were the case, I don't like district people."

I scoffed at his dismissive words, attempting to free myself from his grasp. He, however, tightened his grip on my arms and pulled me towards him. His voice, now a low whisper, invaded my ear. "I'll be back eventually," he claimed.

Suddenly, he pulled away, pecking my cheek. In that moment, Tigris appeared behind him with a smile, interpreting the peck as innocent. I could only stand there, a mixture of confusion and frustration coursing through me.

Grandma'am appears behind Tigris, a twinkle in her eye, and comments on how beautiful young love is. Cordelia, red not from blush but from anger, can hardly muster a response.

Tigris, with a mix of amusement and sadness, watches as Grandma'am offers her support for Coriolanus's journey. The blaring horn announces the departure time, and Tigris hugs Coriolanus with a tinge of sorrow.

Unexpectedly, Coriolanus walks over to me, engulfing me  in a tight embrace. I  feel a knot in my stomach, sensing that this hug carries the weight of a goodbye forever. As he releases me, he looks down at me, and I can't decipher the emotions in his eyes.

With that, he boards the train, bound for District 12 and Lucy Gray. I am  left standing on the platform, emotions swirling within me as the train departs.

"Are you alright, Cordelia?" Tigris asks, wiping a small tear from her eyes. Grandma'am appears surprisingly calm.

"I should be asking you that," I reply with a smile, walking over to hug Tigris tightly. "Are you okay?"

"I am, Cor," she says softly with an underlying smile. "I know this must be so hard on you."

"Why would that be?" I ask, feigning confusion. I knew she was hinting at something happening with Coriolanus.

"Come on, I saw that little peck. You were early to get some private time with him; he'll be back," she says with a knowing smile.

I look down at my hands, now fidgeting. "It was a goodbye, Tigris. He won't be back."

"You don't know that!" Grandma'am exclaims, now expressing her emotions. "Hawkridge, looks so pretty, innocent, but I know they see an opportunity and they'll fly in and get it."

Knowing my grandmother showed signs of dementia, I refrain from answering her. "I have to be at the shop. Tigris, feel free to take the day."

"I'm sorry, Cor. She doesn't mean—"

"I know," I cut her off. "It's alright. Have a safe walk home, you two."

I turn around and walk back to the central. I hear Grandma'am speaking again. "I'm telling you, Tigris, that girl, she's driven... too much. She'll betray you!"

"We're leaving, Grandma'am," Tigris says, pulling her away.

Their voices fade as I make my way through the crowd. Suddenly, an arm comes flying to my shoulder and grabs me softly.

Turning around, I see Sejanus in a gray outfit similar to the peacekeeper uniforms. I realize he's about to leave on the train, and I'm left in shock.

"You too?" I ask.

"Being shipped to D12," he says with a smile. I shake my head disapprovingly. "This isn't because a certain blondie is going?"

"No, but it's definitely a good thing," he says with a cheeky smile.

"At least the uniform fits you," I compliment. "I wish you the best of luck, Sejanus."

"You'll do great things, Cor," he says, bringing me into a hug. He sniffs my hand and frowns jokingly. "You smell of Coryo."

"He's on the train, just bid my goodbyes," I clarify and pull away. "Come back okay?"

"I will and even bring you back some of your family coals," he says, trying to lighten the mood.

"Thank you, do let me know if it's up to standard," I reply. He nods and heads back towards the train.

I notice his chauffeur upfront, and he begins to climb into the car, seeing Sejanus getting onto the train. I feel for him; Sejanus didn't have his parents here.

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