Bride Bundle &Bliss

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Lexy nervously sat in the corner of the coffee shop . She's usually unfazed by meeting someone new but this was different . This person felt familiarly unfamiliar. Like a ghost from the past .
"Alexus?" A bosterius voice came from behind .
When she turned and gasped at how eerily familiar he looks and sounded .
"Hi Tommy. Its nice to finally meet you." Alexus replied ushering him toward the table .
"You're beautiful." Tommy stated.
"Let's not make this about me please . Now I know I sought you out but I wanna know why do you want to meet him? How will you add to his life and most importantly are you going to stay around ?"
"Damn girl you sound like a therapist for real ."
"This isn't me speaking to you as a therapist. Let me tell you something . He is my heart in human form. I would do anything to protect him like I would the heart in my chest. If you even put a bruise on it , crack in it , I will hurt you. This is not a threat , it's a promise." Lexy answered coolly.
"Okay first I wanna say I'm thankful that he has someone to love him the way you do . Lord knows his mom and I couldn't . I was young . In these streets . Dealing with multiple women . So was his mom. I didn't know about him until he was about 2 years old and yes I admit I didn't bother to check on him. His mom was a mess that I thought was too much to deal with but had I known that woman was treating him or his siblings like that I would've came back for him . I swear ! I didn't even hear about what happened until years after it happened ."
"So when you found out that his mother murdered all his siblings why didn't you look for him then?" Lexy asked angrily.
"I tried ! I really did. Nothing came up . I thought maybe he died . When you hit me up I was shocked but so thrilled . I'm clean , my life is together now. I'm settled . I don't want nothing from him but a relationship if that's possible." Tommy finished .
"Listen I have to see . I don't think you tried hard enough to find him . You have no idea what he's been through and how it still affects him today. He still has nightmares about what he saw. I'll hit you up IF I decide To follow up with this." Alexus said getting up from the table .
"Well I'm glad you were at least open to meeting me. I hope you change your mind . If not , continue to take care of him for me." Tommy replied opening the door for her.
"I will , always."

Lexy drive home with a lot on her mind . She also felt weak . She pulled over to throw up before continuing the drive home. She thought she would feel good about talking to Teak's dad , possibly helping him connect to someone in his family , someone who he looks like because they honestly looked like twins but part of her wanted to be selfish and keep him to herself to make sure no one hurts him . She had a lot of decisions to make .

Once at home, Lexy showered and cuddled up next to Teak. They discussed some of the wedding plans they made . Lexy decided she wanted to get married in Jamaica. She loved the culture and the food . She found a resort specifically suited for couples getting married . They decorate your room, reception area and beach wedding to your liking . She invited Murda and Cliff of course . Taylor was her maid of honor and Keyshawn was her other bridesmaid and Woddy would be a groomsman. One of Key's daughters would be a flower girl and of course Trey being a ring bearer. Her mama would be attending as well . It would be small and intimate but everyone would be there who mattered .
"What are you thinking about ? You not getting cold feet are you ?" Teak asked .
"Hell no . I was just thinking about some stuff . That's all."
"You want to talk about it ?"
"I will, but not right at the moment. Right now I just want to enjoy being in the company of my husband to be ." Lexy replied, laying her head on him.
"Well I'm here if you need to talk ."
"I know."
"Can I come in?" Trey asked slowly, opening up the door.
"Come on baby." Lexy said making room for him in the bed. Teak and Trey instantly fell asleep. Lexy was their safe space . Being next to her gave them a peace they couldn't find with anything else . Lexy still had one burning question as she eased from under them to head to the restroom .

The next day , Taylor met Lexy for lunch at one of their favorite hibachi restaurants.
Are you sure ?!! Taylor asked .
Lexy showed Taylor the picture of the positive pregnancy test .
"Teak called it too . He kept telling me I was pregnant taking bout that pussy been wetter lately and I have been hella tired ."
"Girl, we are about to go to Jamaica next month , what are you going to do now ?"
"Well I'll go see my OB to see how far I am and see what I can do from there . I don't think I'm too far along. I'm not even showing but I did gain a little weight now that I'm thinking about it . All this time I thought it was happy weight ." Lexy replied shaking her head .
"How are you going to tell him ?" Taylor asked .
"I'm not sure , I want to be creative with it though . I have so much on my plate. I still have to decide what ima do about his father ."
"I don't think it's right that you withhold that information from him . You need to let him decide how he wants to go about that ."
"I know girl but what if he hurts him . I'll be so pissed they even bought him into his life."
"Listen , Teak is a big boy , a strong man . He'll be okay and if he isn't, he has you for support . Don't keep this from him Alexus ."
"Okay okay , you're right ! Let me just think about how ima do this exactly ." Lexy replied, getting up to leave .
"Well let me know if you need anything." Taylor added.
"I will girl . See you later !" Lexy replied driving off .

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