Knuck if you buck for love

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"So what you wanted to talk about?" Lexy asked.
They were safely in the air and halfway home . Teak felt this would be the appropriate time to talk .
"I asked Murda to check our house while we was gone and someone graffitied the back of the house."
"So Murda asked around and ..
"It was that BITCH, wasn't it?" Lexy asked.
"Damn, how does she know these things without having the full story?" Teak asked himself.
"Yes but baby..."
"No , don't baby me Thaddeus.."
He knew she was upset when she calls him by his government name.
"Look you said you would handle it, I stepped back because you're the man but see what she not gon keep doing  is fuckin with you , our family or our property . She gon have to see me  now." Lexy replied folding her arms looking out the window.
"We can handle this together baby." Teak assured.
"No , I'll handle it."
Teak got real close to her ear;
"Alexus I SAID we will handle it."
That authoritative response sent a chill up her spine . She liked when that side of him came out. She wanted to just take care of it her way but at this point she knew she had to listen to daddy.
"Aight baby. Whatever you say." Lexy agreed, kissing him .
"Mommy, daddy , STOP ! Yall embarrassing me!" Trey said, rolling his eyes .
Lexy kissed Teak again just to watch him squirm again.

About 45 minutes later , they landed . After grabbing their bags they headed home .
" I'm taking a shower and going straight to sleep." Teak said, yawning.
"I'm going play my game ." Trey added .
"We know !" Teak and Lexy responded together .
When they pulled up to the house , Teak insisted that he checks the outside and inside of the house before they came in . After the house was thoroughly checked , they all filed in , showered and went to their rooms . Teak cuddled up next to Lexy and went right to sleep but Lexy was wide awake.
"Why this bitch keep fuckin with my man? I just want to fuck that heaux up !" Lexy thought .
"This nigga talking bout , we gon handle it ! Nah fuck that !" Lexy whispered slippin from under Teak .
Lexy gets on the phone and calls her bestie Taylor.

Taylor: what's up ? How was the trip?
Lexy: Fuck the trip can you ride with me right fast? I'll be there in 15.
Taylor : It don't sound like I have a choice . Is everything okay ?
Lexy: I'll tell you when I scoop you .

Once Taylor was in the car , Lexy gave her the rundown .
"Damn I know bitches be on his dick but that's too far . Vandalizing properly and opening admitting you're crazy ? Maybe something is not right up here." Taylor said while pointing to her head .
"But do you think this is a good idea? Your man said wait. How do you think he'd feel if he knew you was out here doing this?" Taylor finished .
"Listen , Teak has a more laid back approach to everything. That's not how I move, especially when it's someone I love."
"Okay , you know I'm riding with you but I just want you to be sure about this."
"I'm sure ! Let's go." Lexy responded, pulling up to Macy's house.
"Girl, how do you know where she lives ? " Taylor asked surprised.
"Cause her dumbass came to my office pretending to be a client."
"Oh wow. But how do you know if she gave the right address ?"
"Because that's her son on the porch."
" You really want to act a fool in  front of her kid Lex?"
"Oh we're doing this huh?" Taylor laughed .
Macy's son ran inside . Next was a shadow on the screen door . Lexy looks and sees Macy and this big ass Pitbull.
"Girl fuck you and that dog I'll shoot both y'all asses down in this street ! Don't fuck with me! And don't y'all dare pull out a phone to record this!" Lexy warned as a small crowd gathered .
"Bring YOUR ass! Leave Cujo there !" Lexy continued.
Macy did as she was told and walked toward the crazy lady and her Glock.
"That's right , GETCHO ASS in this car!"
"What about my son?" Macy asked .
"Oh, are we worried about sons now ? Cause you wasn't worried bout mine when you colored on the house he lives in , coming onto MY property. At least I was nice enough to stay my ass on the street .  Now get in the car NOW !" Lexy ordered .
Before she could get Macy situated in the backseat a boisterous voice rose up ;
"Alexus, you get YOUR ass in THIS car !"
She didn't have to look back to know who was . That  chill went up her spine again but she could tell he was pissed.
"Baby I.."
"Get in the fuckin car."
That's right, tell her crazy ass!" "Macy hollered jumping out the car.
Teak walked over to her ;
"Listen here you thirsty pigeon, stay away from me, my family and my property . Now I was trying to keep it respectful but you apparently don't know boundaries so I'm telling you this , I'm not interested in your crazy ass. Get a fuckin life please . You have my girl out here acting crazy right along with you over some shit I'm not even worried about. Now I'm warning you, if you come near my family again or any of my properties , you'll be dealing with a lot more than some embarrassment. Are we clear ?"
"Yea you bougie muthafucka." Macy replied, rolling her eyes .
"What you said bitch?" Lexy yelled from the car .
Teak turned and stared her down . Lexy knew to shut the fuck up at  this point .
"Aight , now got inside and take care of those boys." Teak said the Macy as he walked to his car.
"Taylor , do you mind driving her car to your house ? She won't be needing it tonight . She can come get it tomorrow."
Taylor looked at Lexy who just nodded in agreement.
"Okay no problem . See y'all later ." Taylor replied driving away .

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