Chapter 3 "The calm before the storm"

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So when I first meet with a client , I like them to tell me a little about themselves, break the ice if you will. So what's your story Macy? What would you like me to help you with ?" Lexy asked, pulling out her notepad.

"Well I first wanted to say thank you for meeting with me . You've come highly recommended in this town . I'm not sure what I need right at the moment , maybe just someone to vent to and get advice ." Macy stated .
"As far as my background , I grew up with a single mother . It was just her  and I . I wouldn't say she was the worst mother but she could've done better , you know ? She was always chasing men , in and out of bars . She drank a lot but I think that was mostly to ease her loneliness. I feel that her bad habits impacted me . As an adult, I notice that I do the same thing . I chase the wrong kind of men. I have very bad coping skills and really I just wanted to be a better example to my children . I'm embarrassed about some of the decisions I've made and sometimes I don't know what to do with those feelings." Macy finished .

"I want to commend you on holding yourself accountable and knowing the negative  traits you possess and wanting to change. That's a big step. You can't change the past so do your best to move forward. The past is an unnecessary weight none of us need. There is nothing wrong with pursuing what you want as long as in the end it brings positivity into your life ." Lexy replied.

"Yea I can respect what you're saying . It seems easier said than done though." Macy said .

"Take it one day at a time, each day gets easier." Lexy answered .

"Hmmm." Macy said as she surveyed  the room. She caught a glimpse of a photo of Teak and Trey .
"Is that your family ?" Macy asked.
"Yup ! My 2 big babies ." Lexy said smiling .
"Wow ! They are beautiful." Macy said.
Lexy gave her a side eye. She had something on the tip  of her tongue to say but she kept it professional.
"I just mean it's nice to have a complete family . It's just me and my kids and I wish they had a good example of a father ." Macy replied.
"It's not too late. It doesn't necessarily have to be their father . You never know who you'll meet in the future." Lexy finished .
"Well thank you for seeing me . I just set  my next appointment online, right?" Macy asked .
"Yes you can do that or you can call ." Lexy said, leading her to the door.
"That was interesting . " Lexy thought to herself .

Back at the shop Teak was hard at work training an apprentice and cutting a small little league team's hair.
Make sure the line up straight." Teak told the apprentice.
"Can't have the youth out here lackin' " Teak added laughing .
"I got this UNC." The apprentice said .
After they cut everyone's hair . They swept and wiped down the shop.
"I want something like this one day. I mean you cut Lil Murda's dome ." The apprentice said,  star struck.

"Lil Murda and me go way back so that's not a big deal but  you will , if that's what you want . You just gotta work hard , stay motivated and have some supportive people on your corner lil nigguh ." Teak replied.

"Yea I don't have a lot of support ." The apprentice stated.
Teak was kinda was aware of this . He saw him hanging around the gang and heard he had been locked up a few times. So when he reached out to work at the shop, he felt compelled to help. He reminded him of himself.

"I'll support you if you are willing to work hard." Teak said honestly .
" The reason I'm here is because of my girl and Lil Murda ." They always had my back and I'm forever grateful to them. Teak said .

" Excuse me , are you the owner ?" A man asked, walking in with a small box.

"I am, what's that ?" Teak asked, walking over to the package .
It was a box of cookies from a local cookie shop . Attached to it was a note .
It read ;
"Thank you again for cutting my boys' hair. I just wanted to show a small token of my appreciation. Something sweet for a sweet person."
The letter was unaddressed but Teak had an idea who it was.
"That's from your girl?" The apprentice asked.
"Hell no . I don't eat chocolate cookies. She wouldn't send this . It's from the lady whose kid's hair I cut last night . I told this woman I had a lady but she still kinda pushed up on me ."
"Well what ya girl don't know—" the apprentice started.

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